I'll say a few things.
Governments have no reason to be involved in my education, my wallet, or what I do behind my closed doors at home. A mans home is his castle. They have no right to take away my guns, I've been robbed once and I don't plan on it happening again. If the perp kills me with my own gun, fine. But he'll have to beat me to death with it because it's empty. They have no right to stop me from teaching my children what guns are for and to teach them how to use them. They have no right to punish my children for sticking up for themselves in school. They have no right to tell me what I can or cannot say. They have no right to tell me where I can or cannot smoke (I do it outside and away from others if you were about to crucify me on that

). They have no right to tell me whether or not to wear a seatbelt, but I do because it's stupid not to. They have no right to tell me that I have to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, it's my head and if I want it spread across two lanes of traffic, my choice my consequence. They have no right to tell me that I can't tell my children to question authority, ALL authority should be questioned lest they decide they themselves can only make rules. They have no right to make me not discriminate against others for their behavior, language, attitude, rudeness, or intelligence. They have no right to tax me for whatever reason they want. They have no right to tell me I must be mindful of calling someone an idiot. They have no right to tell a business who they must sell to, or lend money too, or how they can market their products. All of this trouble we are in was caused by legislation and strongarm tactics to give the Federal Government more power over the people. They don't know what's best for me. I DO. I challenge anyone to show me a government run program that isn't wasteful, inefficient, and committing illegal acts or fraud. ONE.
I'll quote someone on Autoblog.com that hit the nail on the head about our out of control taxes. Won't post his name, but it was one of the best things I've read in a long time.
But with expanding government spending, and then taxing some employees, but not others is going to cause BIG PROBLEMS.
I wholeheartedly agree that government should get out of the way. I disagree that it should only be GM, or other bail-out situations.
How about the government gets shoved back into the corner that the US Constitution limits it to, and the american people get back to doing what americans do. Innovating, and solving problems.
"ooh, but that'll hurt..." what big-gov't types don't realize, is that big government programs waste more, infringe more, disenfranchise more, and HURT more.
Tax cuts. FOR EVERYONE. FLAT CONSUMPTION TAX AT THE RETAIL LEVEL. No income taxation, no automatic withholding of people's money from them, no hidden corporate taxes masquerading as business expenses. You will SEE exactly what you pay in taxes, on every receipt for every retail transaction. And businesses will see the tax collection in plain numbers on their receipts too, and that will be it. Easy audits, and the tax code in a pamphlet, rather than a set of encyclopedias.
But you will keep every penny of your wage, and employers will be more free to pay you, and others appropriately, and nobody will be penalized for saving it or investing it. Taxes punish whatever activity they are associated with, and it is less damaging on economic transactions than it is on wages (employment), savings (responsibility), or investment returns (innovation and growth), especially if kept appropriately low for the REAL governmental roles, not social engineering and wasteful ponzi-scheme social safety nets.
It would "stimulate" a re-organization of our economy back to the sort of free-markets that haven't been seen in a century. Yet it would be done with today's measurements and technologies as advantages, not as convoluted mess of legalese that damns people if they do or do not.
That requires two things. Removal of the corrupt and power hungry elements of government that will never relinquish the power back to the people, they will instead enslave the people under an economic thumb...
Secondly, the drastic and demonstrable retraction of government from almost all of it's social program spending and wasteful bureaucracy, to return to a balanced budget under much lower tax burdens for the people.
The government is regulated to be only used for the enumerated powers. A fast but measured retraction back into that box is required.
If lowering taxes for GM will work, and it would... why would it not work economy-wide? But you have to cut back government drastically, and foster a culture of self-reliance, not government-reliance in this country, while cutting the taxes. Give people their economic freedom back, expect and foster responsibility with that freedom. THAT used to be the American way, of economics, of politics, of Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT of Happiness. Not control, regulation, and equality of outcome.
I am a free man. The way the government here is overstepping it's bounds, and infringing on my liberty to live life as I want and suffer the consequences is unwelcome. I don't want it, they can't force me. I don't want to pay for someone elses mistakes, I have my own to shoulder. A man by the name of Patrick Henry said "Give me Liberty, or give me death." Shame there aren't more people like him. Willing to die so that others like him can live free.