Renault engine nivel

All that has to do with the power train, gearbox, clutch, fuels and lubricants, etc. Generally the mechanical side of Formula One.
Joined: 27 Jun 2003, 16:06
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Renault engine nivel


It will be the Renault engine nivel of the engines BMW, Ferrari and Mercedes? They are progress very fast.

Joined: 28 Dec 2002, 23:36
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)


Sorry people put to this guy I have to answer in portuguese.....I believe no one understood his question!!! goes....

rpm99....primeiro axo que 99 rpm é bastante baixo!

Segundo faz a pergunta em portugues que eu traduzo-a....porque o teu ingles não está grande coisa......(um cadinho enferrujado)!

Se quiseres tambem me podes encontrar no IRC canal: #f1world ou #F1 com o nick Monstrobolaxa...


João "F1" Correia

PS- did anyone understand what I wrote????besides portuguese and brazilians? :lol:

Joined: 27 May 2003, 07:52
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hey monstro,

i worked out his question, sounds like me late on a saturday night....
didnt do so well with the portugese though, i need more practice methinks :)

RPM, i think we will need to wait and see the new engine they bring out which i heard is gonna be based on the old (ancient) supertec block...
find it hard to understand why they would revert to 72deg when most are at 90deg now and enjoying the benefits......

Cumprimentos (i trust that means thanks or compliments or such) ;)

Joined: 27 Jun 2003, 16:06
Location: Portugal


bem antes de mais e sempre bom poder falar de algo do qual gosto muito, em portugues.
antes de mais duas consideraçoes:
e verdade o meu ingles esta muito enferrujado
rpm99 nao tem nada a ver com F1, e a abreviatura da minha morada.

a minha pergunta esta virada para o crescendo de forma que a renault apresentou ate ao GP do Canada, que me surpreendeu imensso, assim como fiquei desiludido com a sua prestaçao no GP da Europa, pois embora o Alonso tenha ficado em quarto nunca teve andamento para os primeiros.
a outra pergunta e acerca do tipo de injecçao que e usada nos F1 (directa/indirecta) pois no ano passado falava-se que a Renault usava injecçao directa, sera verdade?

com os melhores cumprimentos me despeço e ate a proxima, e em porutgues, espero!! (a lingua que Luis de Camoes eternizou)

TRANSLATION BY TOMBA (babelfish helped me though ;) ):
well before more in Portuguese, my English is very rusted rpm99 nao has nothing to see with F1, and the abbreviation of my dwelling.
my question this turn for growing of form that renault presented ties to the GP of the Canada, that surprised me, as well as I was disillusioned with its performance in the GP of the Europe, therefore Alonso never had course for the first ones.
to another question and concerning the type of injection that is used in F1 (directa/indirecta) therefore in the last year it was said that the Renault used direct injection, is it true?
with the best compliments I say farewell and see you soon, and in portugues, I wait! (lingua that Luis de Camoes eternalized)

Joined: 13 May 2003, 21:57


Can you guys translate this text into English for those of us who are Portugese challenged. :oops:

Really curious as to what this discusion is about.

Joined: 28 Dec 2002, 23:36
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)


Hummm...that translation isn't as good as it looks Tomba!!! :P

rpm99s question is simply about the growing performance of the Renault engine. and the second question was about what kind of fuel injection Renault has!

Well....Renault have always been known for the way they work....more or less like the "old" honda engine guys.....they wouldn't give up untill they won!

In terms of fuel injection I believe that they are using a direct fuel injection system! The main difference between a direct injection system and an indirect is that in a direct fuel injection system the fuel is injected directly into the "explosion" an indirect ijection system the fuel first passes trough a pre-explosion chamber.

Sh3d....exactly Cumprimentos means that!!! :P In terms of the Supertec engine...I a F1 Racing magazine last year they went to the Supertec headquarters and they showed the "behind the scenes" and they said that every component in the 108,5º engine is first tested on the 72º supertec engine! According to them the 72º engine is basicly used as a testing engine! What Renault plannes to do is develop next years engine using the 72º Supertec engine becuase they already have tonnes of data from 72º! And according to the book "F1 Technology" (written by Peter Wright), and also according to Jaques His (in an interview for "Racecar Technology") the best engine is the 72º, it's the best compromise between power and engine losses due to friction! miight sound a little out of isn't so good for the c of g of the car....but it seems to be pretty good! and it will save renault a lote of money...cause of alll the data the already have!

the next part of the topic is in portuguese asking rpm99 if he wants me to translate anything in this post....and teling him that if necessary I can translate other topics for him! so if topics in portuguese appear....wait for me!!! :P
RPM99 se precisares que eu traduz alguma coisa deste tópico ou de outro tópico avisa!

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just talk english and the whole world may understand you :lol:

Joined: 28 Dec 2002, 23:36
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)


I know...but rpm99 has a slight problem with english.....I'm just helping him out!!!! You can't stop a person from talking about his favorite sport just because of a language problem!!!! Just trying to help......probably if I had a french problem (like I do) you'll help me out some day right????? :P

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hehe! could be :wink:
anyway, I read over the utmost posts here, and often correct some spelling mistakes, which I also try to do for rpm99.
Help behind the scenes that is :P

Joined: 28 Dec 2002, 23:36
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)


like we say in portugal about helping friends...if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours!!! (and no you doesn't have anything to do with anal sex!!!!) so don't come to Portugal looking for it!!!!



Dear rpm99: I guess your problem is that you try to spell in English, while thinking in Portuguese. No problem for me though, I speak Spanish.
I would encourage you to keep writing, I would help with the translation.

I agree with our friend who said the Renault guys wouldn't stop until they win. I am sure within a couple of seasons, Renault will be at the top spots. They have the $$$, the know-how and Fernando Alonso.

And let's all remember that in the 90's Renault motors won at least four championships.



well, I wouldn't actually say that the 72 degree engine is the best compromise, I would have to say that the 90 degree engine config is really good. This is because even though its firing order may not be as 'conventional' as the 72 degree motor, the 90 degree engine has great potential with regards to obtaining primary and secondary balance, not to mention the improved Centre of Gravity. I think the reason Renault chose the 72 degree engine is because it would be the only design in which Renault can very quickly develop reliability and good power, because it is very easy to map the firing order, and the handling of the current chassis is so good, a 90 degree engine would be deemed superfluous.

Joined: 28 Dec 2002, 23:36
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)


well...I just wrote what I read....and what Renaults engine guru said.....or at least the ex-renault engine guru! :lol:

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ah well... yesterday I read somewhere the new Renault engine would be built with a 90° angle... I think nobody knows anymore :P

ps: what's nivel in the topic title actually? :lol:

Joined: 27 May 2003, 07:52
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yeah i heard that as well tomba.......but bit hard to base it on a 72deg supertec block then hey......we wait and see.....
i assume that it means rival........kinda makes sense.... :)