Just checking through the driver number changes, and noticed that there isn't a number 13.
Has F1 always been this superstitious? Or is that a recent trend?
They deffinately never cease to amaze with their idiocy, that is for sure!CMSMJ1 wrote:No13 was banned by the french in the 20s as far as I remember it.
The last person to use it was Davina Galica (sp) in the late 70s.
You will see no number 13 in hotels and tall buildings too...
Strange bunch these human beings eh?
according to the official entry list Mark Webber gets number 14... but who are we fooling here, he is 13 in actuality!Conceptual wrote:Just checking through the driver number changes, and noticed that there isn't a number 13.
Has F1 always been this superstitious? Or is that a recent trend?
shotzski wrote:They skipped not only the 13, but also 18. How come? Was there a typo?
That's interesting since 42 is also the answer to life, the universe and everythingvirtuso13 wrote: Have you heard about ghost car 42 ????? Very interesting story.
In 1963 the first ever Japanese GP was held at Suzuka . The driver favored to win was Masao Asano .His choise of number baffeled the crowd - 42 .
For 42 was the number most Japanese tried to avoid . The arabic numerals for 42 transalate as shi ni which is realated to the Japanese word shingu(to die) .
The Japanese Auto Federation banned the use of the number 42 on any car racing in Japan .
Next year Japan's second GP was being held at Suzuka . During the race it was discovered that a car with umber 42 had done 8 of the 25 laps . No one could describe the car or the driver . It disappeared just as it arrived
Great movie! And such a simple answer to such a complex question...natef1 wrote:That's interesting since 42 is also the answer to life, the universe and everythingvirtuso13 wrote: Have you heard about ghost car 42 ????? Very interesting story.
In 1963 the first ever Japanese GP was held at Suzuka . The driver favored to win was Masao Asano .His choise of number baffeled the crowd - 42 .
For 42 was the number most Japanese tried to avoid . The arabic numerals for 42 transalate as shi ni which is realated to the Japanese word shingu(to die) .
The Japanese Auto Federation banned the use of the number 42 on any car racing in Japan .
Next year Japan's second GP was being held at Suzuka . During the race it was discovered that a car with umber 42 had done 8 of the 25 laps . No one could describe the car or the driver . It disappeared just as it arrived