So, when do we see the Massa/Vettel swap?

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Re: So, when do we see the Massa/Vettel swap?


Looks like Vettel is trying to smooze his way ( :wink: ) into Ferrari already. ... p-0278.jpg

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Mr Alcatraz
Joined: 18 May 2008, 15:10
Location: San Diego Ca. USA

Re: So, when do we see the Massa/Vettel swap?


I'm a big believer in streaks. FM is on a hot streak
I don't see it ending this race.
There are a lot of factors to consider, when contemplating Monaco. Anything can happen.
I just look for a good race out of Massa
Ok I'm saying I called It =;
Oh wait there is still a race to run.
Ferrari Lock out! Yea babe =D>
Those who believe in telekinetics raise my hand