raymondu999 wrote:I predict that by 2014's end,
- Vettel will not be a 3-time champion.
- Hamilton will have won at LEAST 2 more races than Rosberg
- Button will have won at LEAST 2 more races than Perez.
- Red Bull to regain qualifying dominance, thanks to being limiter-limited for less in qualifying.
Agree with all but all the last one, which in reality will be more of a setback, than advantage for them. They will be less limited in top speed, but will loose out on their ability to go with drs trough turns other cars couldnt (1st corner in silverstone?, 130r, generaly being able to open drs before other cars on exits of turns). Couple all that with the fact that drs will probably only be available on the straights, they will most likely run into rev limiter anyway.