Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


iotar__ wrote:
raymondu999 wrote:Interesting.
Seeing Alonso and Raikkonen battle it out in equal machinery would be a prospect many would savour - it would be fascinating to find out who would come out on top.

That will be debated endlessly - as comparisons between all the top F1 drivers always are. But one engineer who has worked closely with both is in doubt.

"I think Alonso, pretty convincingly," he said. "Everywhere - especially qualifying and the first laps of the race."
Looks like this engineer has been watching some F1 in 2012-2013. I'd add overtaking, pace when needed, work on car, mistakes, mental toughness, ability to adjust. Race pace may be comparable, especially on longer stints.
....and yet the points situation tells a very different story. :lol: We know what the score is. When things go wrong it's all Raikkonen's fault and when things go right he lucks into it. :roll: Ferrari know otherwise and it's taken them a few years to realise.

Whoever he is above he's been comparing the Lotus and Ferrari cars this season......not Alonso and Raikkonen. A common mistake, but easy to do.
Last edited by munudeges on 11 Sep 2013, 12:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


You'd have to be very confident to suggest one of both will be the best in 2014. New cars + new engines = total unpredictable outcome. Both have proven to be tremendous drivers, on all fronts. The big difference between both is Alonso' commitment to every aspect of the sport, while Raikkonen just drives the car to the absolute maximum and couldn't care less about anything else.

Anyways, it's the most exciting duo since Alonso/Hamilton. 2014 is going to be fireworks!
"I race to win, and if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver." - Ayrton Senna

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Kiril Varbanov
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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Sorry, I don't mean to be sarcastic, but really, isn't it early for such thread? Let's judge them a bit later into 2014 or it is about comparing what has been the case so far?

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Räikkönen got 2+1 deal for Ferrari, and lot of free private time, what is written up pretty clearly. Fernando do the commercial stuff. This thing show how much they respect their last WDC/WCC champion, and last time it was all about money, why he needed to go. Ferrari needed a Santander, and Alonso was part of it, so the play went bit dirty..
Kimi is not number 2 driver. I think they go like a RBR at next year. When the last few (2014) races is coming, then they bet to the one guy. It can be Alonso, but i believe it's Kimi who is in a stronger position at that time. Alonso needs a whole team behind him, but still no WDC or WCC for Ferrari after these 4 years. Bit shame for Ferrari and for alonso, who was yelling that he will bring the titles with him to Ferrari,after Kimi's WDC/WCC's. Shell pay the Kimi's salary, so they propably will cover his back too from backstabbing. No more tricks like in 2008. But that is past. Ferrari got now propably 2014 WCC, and and i hope WCC for Kimi, but RBR's Vettel will be a tuff too, if the Renault still got engine, what's good enough. Vettel-Ricciardo combination doesn't bring WCC for RBR. Ricciardo is not good thing for RBR. Vergne take a positions, and same time Ricciardo lost the positions in a race, so i think they choose wrong from those Toro Rosso guys. Kimi doesn't like to do those commercial shows, so that's why he passed the deal with RBR. He got good deal with Ferrari, and Schumi is not there anymore doing pranks for Räikkönen's car. It wasn't Luca DiM, it was Schumi, when Räikkönen said that "There was only one guy, who i didn't like". Anyhow.. Now Ferrari is getting a got good aero-lab, and a Allison and Fry. Allison is right man for Ferrari, and from that point, he knows what Kimi want/need to his car, so it's a good thing for Räikkönen and for Ferrari too. Titles are coming soon.. "Fernando, Kimi is fastern than you" I wait those situations, what's coming, but it's not a Räikkönen who will lost the nerves and control of mind.. There will be super-red guy in a Ferrari, that's for sure, but let's see. Time will tell that, what's going to happening, but it will be a good show.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


radosav wrote:do we know for sure that Ferrari aproached Kimi, or was it opposite.p/quote]
Matters little. They've decided to re-sign him.
LdM would never admit he was wrong.
He doesn't need to say anything.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Kiril Varbanov wrote:Sorry, I don't mean to be sarcastic, but really, isn't it early for such thread? Let's judge them a bit later into 2014 or it is about comparing what has been the case so far?
I think it's more about "predicting" how they'll fare against each other. Much like I set up a thread to surmise how Ricciardo will fare against Vettel.
munudeges wrote:
LdM would never admit he was wrong.
He doesn't need to say anything.[/quote]
I don't think it's about being always right. LdM is concerned about his image, not about being always right - and if Kimi is rehired, then he will project the image of a man who's humble enough to eat humble pie and undo past wrongs. It's a win for Montezemolo, rather than a lose.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


All i know is i´m extremely excited to see how this pans out :)
"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of sh*t"

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


As exciting it is, it seems that everything is set to confirm Vettel dominance on F1. Very strong line up in the current two closest teams to Red Bull (Merc and Ferrari) means that the drivers are likely to share points. In comparaison to Nico and Kimi, Ricciardo have proved nothing in F1 and it's extremely unlikely he will challenge Vettel next year. And because I don't see Red Bull slowing down...
Yes constructors WC will be interessting, but for the drivers it is another story...

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


raymondu999 wrote:Interesting.
Seeing Alonso and Raikkonen battle it out in equal machinery would be a prospect many would savour - it would be fascinating to find out who would come out on top.

That will be debated endlessly - as comparisons between all the top F1 drivers always are. But one engineer who has worked closely with both is in doubt.

"I think Alonso, pretty convincingly," he said. "Everywhere - especially qualifying and the first laps of the race."
From Benson's article, it is as worth as the "senior member of Mercedes" commenting on Schumacher driving in Barcelona 2012...
Nonetheless, I think most of us, including me, is expecting Alonso to have the upper hand.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


SchumiSutil wrote:As exciting it is, it seems that everything is set to confirm Vettel dominance on F1. Very strong line up in the current two closest teams to Red Bull (Merc and Ferrari) means that the drivers are likely to share points. In comparaison to Nico and Kimi, Ricciardo have proved nothing in F1 and it's extremely unlikely he will challenge Vettel next year. And because I don't see Red Bull slowing down...
Yes constructors WC will be interessting, but for the drivers it is another story...
I agree there is obviously reason to believe this. However, consider that:
1) The formula rules change for 2014, throwing everything up in the air. Rules stability and Pirelli deciding not to make their tires interesting is what made this year boring, whereas the Pirelli x-factor in 2012 and a bit of chance is what made that championship as close as it was. But 2014 will have new chassis, engine, KERS rules, tires, etc. Nothing is certain.

2) Even if Newey/Vettel dominates again, Ferrari's 2014 lineup means we can ignore Vettel and watch an intra-team race that is 100x more interesting, every race.

That said, what incentive does Alonso have to work 100% on development, if Raikonnen feels like he doesnt need to chip in as much?

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


SchumiSutil wrote:
raymondu999 wrote:Interesting.
... one engineer who has worked closely with both is in doubt.

"I think Alonso, pretty convincingly," he said. "Everywhere - especially qualifying and the first laps of the race."
I guess that would have to be Stella, right? ... _engineer/

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


raymondu999 wrote:Interesting.
Seeing Alonso and Raikkonen battle it out in equal machinery would be a prospect many would savour - it would be fascinating to find out who would come out on top.

That will be debated endlessly - as comparisons between all the top F1 drivers always are. But one engineer who has worked closely with both is in doubt.

"I think Alonso, pretty convincingly," he said. "Everywhere - especially qualifying and the first laps of the race."
I think Kimi will surprise us, just as he did at Lotus.
The boss follows me on twitter.

Gerhard Berger
Gerhard Berger
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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


raymondu999 wrote:The most damning part for me is that this is an engineer who has worked with both drivers. Sounds like someone in Team Enstone, or perhaps McLaren. Or for that matter, Ferrari - both have worked at all 3 teams. Let's not forget that Alonso replaced Raikkonen both at McLaren as well as Ferrari - so the continuity of engineers can be expected then. Lotus, Kimi replaced Alonso, just 2 years late.
Yes, Kimi, Alonso, Fry, and Tombazis have all been at Enstone, Mclaren and Ferrari. Allison has also been at Enstone and Ferrari.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


captainmorgan wrote:
SchumiSutil wrote:As exciting it is, it seems that everything is set to confirm Vettel dominance on F1. Very strong line up in the current two closest teams to Red Bull (Merc and Ferrari) means that the drivers are likely to share points. In comparaison to Nico and Kimi, Ricciardo have proved nothing in F1 and it's extremely unlikely he will challenge Vettel next year. And because I don't see Red Bull slowing down...
Yes constructors WC will be interessting, but for the drivers it is another story...
I agree there is obviously reason to believe this. However, consider that:
1) The formula rules change for 2014, throwing everything up in the air. Rules stability and Pirelli deciding not to make their tires interesting is what made this year boring, whereas the Pirelli x-factor in 2012 and a bit of chance is what made that championship as close as it was. But 2014 will have new chassis, engine, KERS rules, tires, etc. Nothing is certain.

Engine power & fuel ecconomy will be the biggest factors in 2014, as important as blown diffuesrs were a few years back !

I'll be very suprised if any one team dominate, i expect to see lots of blown engines & turbos with massive clouds of white smoke covering half the track - just like the good old days !

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Gerhard Berger wrote:
raymondu999 wrote:The most damning part for me is that this is an engineer who has worked with both drivers. Sounds like someone in Team Enstone, or perhaps McLaren. Or for that matter, Ferrari - both have worked at all 3 teams. Let's not forget that Alonso replaced Raikkonen both at McLaren as well as Ferrari - so the continuity of engineers can be expected then. Lotus, Kimi replaced Alonso, just 2 years late.
Yes, Kimi, Alonso, Fry, and Tombazis have all been at Enstone, Mclaren and Ferrari. Allison has also been at Enstone and Ferrari.
Are you forgetting Rory Byrne, who we all know is heading the 2014 design? He is only one having a greater credentials than that of one certain Mr. Newey. So there is natural optimism for Ferrari for 2014.