Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)

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Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


The BBC have made it official

Raikkonen is to Ferrari, and with no news of a move from Alonso we presume he is staying to pair him.

Putting my disappointment to one side about Hulkenburg not getting the vacant seat, the question for everyone is, who have you got coming out on top between the two drivers next year?

As a reminder - play nice.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Massa is a very likeable character and in a lot of ways one has to feel for him being forced to play the second fiddle. On the other hand, he was given plenty of chances to deliver whilst Ferrari was being surprisingly patient with him. Something clearly had to change at the Scuderia and Raikönnen coming back is certainly going to make things interesting for next year.

I still have my doubts as to whether Alonso will be back with Ferrari next year. He hasn't exactly made himself popular recently and LDM strikes me as very serious about the team coming first and every driver being replaceable. As shocking as it might sound that Alonso might be kicked, I have to wonder what's more likely:
a) Ferrari ends its long history of a #1 and #2 driver whilst keeping someone who has burnt a few bridges with the team already.
b) Ferrari kicks Alonso and replaces both drivers.

Let's not forget that Alain Prost was shown the door when he criticised Ferrari. I would love to see the RAI vs ALO battle, but I think ALO's time at McLaren has shown that he struggles work well with a strong teammate - and I don't think Kimi will happily play second fiddle. RAI and ALO as teammates is a recipe for a lot of drama and tears I'm afraid (which I wouldn't mind watching).

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Given that Raikkonen is going back he won't want to repeat the same mistakes that were made before so I think we can reasonably assume that he will have been given various 'assurances' - and knowing his management team they will have been carefully laid down and constructed. The fact that Alonso has had no say in any of that tells you what direction Ferrari have decided to go in so the political help probably won't be with him with no "Fernando is faster than you" radio messages.

It takes a heck of a person to make Montezemolo admit he was wrong and make Flavio Briatore have a good belly laugh about it, but Raikkonen seems to have achieved it.

But, we'll see whether this thread is accurate today......

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


munudeges wrote:Given that Raikkonen is going back he won't want to repeat the same mistakes that were made before so I think we can reasonably assume that he will have been given various 'assurances' - and knowing his management team they will have been carefully laid down and constructed. The fact that Alonso has had no say in any of that tells you what direction Ferrari have decided to go in so the political help probably won't be with him with no "Fernando is faster than you" radio messages.

It takes a heck of a person to make Montezemolo admit he was wrong and make Flavio Briatore have a good belly laugh about it, but Raikkonen seems to have achieved it.

But, we'll see whether this thread is accurate today......
do we know for sure that Ferrari aproached Kimi, or was it opposite. Kimi's management said that they were trying all solutions after Red Bull stopped negotiating with them. LdM would never admit he was wrong.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


It was a win win for Ferrari and Kimi. Kimi wants a competitive car, Ferrari needs a driver who can rake in points. Who has been the most consistant points grabber...Kimi. Also, it gives Ferrari a top driver if/when they kick Alonso out. I see a Vettel - Alonso swap in the near future if Red Bull remain competitive.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


dren wrote: I see a Vettel - Alonso swap in the near future if Red Bull remain competitive.
Why would Vettel leave RB if they remain competitive? If next year's car and the one after that are as competitive as this year's then he could be the first man to wrack up 6 titles back-to-back. I think he'll stay with RB until he retires - and he'll retire young.

Why would RB swap Vettel for Alonso? Vettel is the core of the team. Alonso would have to fit in and mould the team to himself. Also, whilst Vettel might not be the team player that some would like, compared to Alonso's tantrums he's a calm and laid back guy.

The only person who would benefit from the swap would be Alonso.
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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


JimClarkFan wrote:the question for everyone is, who have you got coming out on top between the two drivers next year?
Alonso. Whilst Kimi is undoubtedly quick, he doesn't play the political games that make F1 run and that are central to Ferrari. If Alonso starts the season strongly then he'll pull Ferrari his way.

Having said that, if Kimi can turn up and qualify and score more highly than Alonso in the first few races then I think we'll see Alonso's tantrums surfacing just like they did at McLaren. He absolutely will not stand his team mate being quicker than him. There will be allegations of the team favouring Kimi. There will be outbursts on the radio and public comments.

Alonso is as quick as anyone and an excellent racing driver but he has a big ego and he acts like a spoilt child when things don't go his way. Kimi just needs to keep his head down and drive like the Devil is his co-pilot.
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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Vettel will go to Ferrari at some stage for the same reason Michael Schumacher went to Ferrrari, for the same reason Fernando Alonso went to Ferrari, for the same reason Lewis Hamilton went to Mercedes...
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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Damnit, I forgot what this meant for Hülkenberg. Though it also means Lotus has a seat open :D . Step by step Nico. Step by step.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say Alonso might actually be a better boy then in 2007. I think mentally, Brazil 2012's 'cold stare' may have been a changing moment. Although 'stupid gate' was a bit emotional, Alonso seems to have accepted he is not the one and only talented driver on the grid. If Räikkönen had been signed for Ferrari in 2012, I could see a 2007-type breakdown, but this time around, I think Alonso might play nice.

As to who will come out on top? Hard to say for sure (I'm going to be using that a lot now in honor of Felipe), but for sure it will be close. I do think Alonso will come out on top, but I don't expect it to be more than 15 points difference.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


If you interested what hapend to Kimi last in Ferrari, just write to Google: "The truth about Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari and Santander in 2008". Interested things were there. Anyhow, now when Räikkönen got the 2+1 deal to Ferrari, Shell is covering and protect him from backstabbing(from Santander side?). I believe that they go like RBR, until the last few race. Remember that WCC is more important for Ferrari, than WDC. Räikkönen is fastern than Alonso, IMO, and i dont like about that Alonso need a whole team for him self to get wins, and still no WDC or WCC.. Next year it is pretty easy to see how the "team game" go on. WCC is coming for sure, RBR's Vettel can win the WDC, if Renault's engine is still good enough. Somehow i see the Ferrari guys fighting from a title, and it can be Räikkönen who take it. I put my money to Räikkönen, if the choice is Alonso.
Rgds, Drunken Finn

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


I'm interested though. Raikkonen and Alonso both don't have a reputation as killer qualifiers, but rather as fantastic consistent racers.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Seeing Alonso and Raikkonen battle it out in equal machinery would be a prospect many would savour - it would be fascinating to find out who would come out on top.

That will be debated endlessly - as comparisons between all the top F1 drivers always are. But one engineer who has worked closely with both is in doubt.

"I think Alonso, pretty convincingly," he said. "Everywhere - especially qualifying and the first laps of the race."

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


Two words. Dream. Team.

As for the irrelevant references to Alain Prost, very different situation. He purposely went to the press and proclaimed that the car was ---. Alonso has done nothing of the sort. He has once let it slip that they need to do better, but backtracked on that. And the radio transmission was unfortunate, but understandable given the circumstances.

He does not gallup around announcing the car/team is shite.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


raymondu999 wrote:Interesting.
Seeing Alonso and Raikkonen battle it out in equal machinery would be a prospect many would savour - it would be fascinating to find out who would come out on top.

That will be debated endlessly - as comparisons between all the top F1 drivers always are. But one engineer who has worked closely with both is in doubt.

"I think Alonso, pretty convincingly," he said. "Everywhere - especially qualifying and the first laps of the race."
Looks like this engineer has been watching some F1 in 2012-2013. I'd add overtaking, pace when needed, work on car, mistakes, mental toughness, ability to adjust. Race pace may be comparable, especially on longer stints.

If you need comparisons check Valencia where Lotus was faster, China 2013 should be perfect example, USA 2012, Barcelona 2013 first stint too, and so on and on.

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Re: Driver Matchup: Alonso vs Raikkonen (2014)


The most damning part for me is that this is an engineer who has worked with both drivers. Sounds like someone in Team Enstone, or perhaps McLaren. Or for that matter, Ferrari - both have worked at all 3 teams. Let's not forget that Alonso replaced Raikkonen both at McLaren as well as Ferrari - so the continuity of engineers can be expected then. Lotus, Kimi replaced Alonso, just 2 years late.