Tracks in Google Earth

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


vyselegend wrote:Don't want to ask too much, but do you have a pic or a drawing of the track wich shows the short layout, cause there are severals transversals junctions and I'd like to know on wich layout they make lap times under 1'00"000 mn there.>
Well, I insist. Vyselegend:

1. click here ... os_eng.htm and download the file I gave for 1950-2005 circuits. It is at the bottom of the page.
2. look for Paul Ricard in the list.
3. click the link you will find under Paul Ricard, named "Layout". This is a web page with all the possible known layouts of the circuit (

You will find the 44 different layouts Paul Ricard has used or use, from layout 1A to layout 22B.

You can open the layout web page inside Google Earth window if you press Ctrl+8. If this does not work, un-click "Show web results in external browser" under "Tools/Options/Preferences" on Google Earth's menu.

This way, if you double-click on Paul Ricard's name in the circuit's list, the camera will show you the circuit in such a way that it coincides with the layout's web page you are seeing, for your convenience.

FINALLY, please, if you learn something new about Paul Ricard, let this new learning go around the world: correct or supplement the Wikipedia article on the circuit.

BTW, good luck! I think this is the circuit with more possible layouts on the planet Earth. :lol: Maybe the Wikipedia link right besides the Layout link will be useful here, but I guess you will have to look for info on the series you are interested in.

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Hehe, I'm so lazy I wished the works would be brought to me on a silver plate. :oops:
As you say there are so much possibilities on this track, it's confusing... On the Valencia track, it was a lot easyier to figure out what were the differents configurations of the track!
Anyway thanks again !

EDIT: I finally found the link of the official website, it was provided on the page were you can click on all the configs. In the news I found this:

The Paul Ricard HTTT welcomed during three test days teams Ferrari and Panasonic Toyota Racing on the 3E SC - short (3,254 km).

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


vyselegend wrote:The Paul Ricard HTTT welcomed during three test days teams Ferrari and Panasonic Toyota Racing on the 3E SC - short (3,254 km).
Thanks! I did not know about it. I will include Paul Ricard in the Testing Circuits list!

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Joined: 20 Feb 2006, 17:05
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The strange thing is that there is no so called 3E configuration in the 40 layouts list! There is one wich seems to correspond in terms of lenght, but it is called 17B (3.256km). As I don't think it's possible to have only 2 meters of difference between two types, I assume it's just an apreciation error. I wonder who is the more accurate, the official site of the track or the list. I would go for the first, seems more logical (if the official website is ruled by the track owners, that is).

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Who ever said Phoenix is not a F1 circuit, it was raced in 1990. :roll:
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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


Jason wrote:Who ever said Phoenix is not a F1 circuit, it was raced in 1990. :roll:
Dear Jason: I never make mistakes. When will you guys learn? :D

Just joking. Your comment made me check, but I found that the list is OK.

Phoenix (the street circuit) is included in the historical 1950-2005 circuits. BTW, this was a hard one to localize.

Phoenix (the oval) is in the list of NON F1 circuits.

It happens several times in the list. Anyway, thankx, man. Yours is the first correction I have got!

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


I recently updated my (non-comercial, purely for my entertainment) page with "All F1 circuits ever". Just in case you wish to take a look, if you haven't been already bored to death by me on this topic. ... os_eng.htm

I reiterate: you require Google Earth to see them. Some of them allow you to use the "Play" feature of Google Earth to take a lap around the circuit. This is how it looks when you open it (this is Magny-Cours):


I hope you can help me to correct any mistakes I could have made, if you find it interesting.