flynfrog wrote:the france family that built nascar is probaly worse though they often outlaw saftey devices because they dont want to admit they were unsafe to start with
That's fundamentally true, but for reasons. In the USA they have lawyers hiding under every toilet, just waiting to help someone sue someone else. So in order to side-step being sued for any rule changes that may lead back to a lawsuit against NA$CAR, they do nothing. Instead, the treat the teams and drivers as contractors, and for most safety issues, just make "suggestions". For years they "suggested" to the drivers that they wear head and neck restraints. If some guy in a black car at Daytona decides not to wear it and breaks his neck as a result, the NA$CAR lawyers say.. hey, we suggested.
So NA$CAR studies many safety issues, is aware of many concerns, but doesn't like to make any kind of move or comittment in case of lawsuits. Soft walls were available, but NASCAR did nothing until Indianaplis installed them. Then many tracks quickly followed suit.
So it's not that NA$CAR is unsafe, the France family just doesn't like spending money on something they can just tell the drivers to take care of themselves.
Bernie buy NASCARfrom the France family? Sometimes I wonder what kind of brain sprung such a concept. There are two elder brothers who basically own and control NASCAR, each one, individually has over 1.5 billion in assets. Their father, Bill France Sr set up a family business that brings in millions and millions. They aren't going to give up one of the tidiest lucrative businesses in motorsport. And just as important, Bernie and the francs guys deal with manufacturers, sponsors, and racers totally differently. Night and day, 180 degrees out of phase.