Scuderia_Russ wrote:flynfrog wrote:zac510 wrote:Bernie to buy Nascar series.
it would be right up his ally all the cars are the same he wouldnt ahv to wrry about making new crazy rules every year
He doesn't anyway.
flynfrog wrote:the france family that built nascar is probaly worse though they often outlaw saftey devices because they dont want to admit they were unsafe to start with
If that is true then I'm astonished!
look back in the 60s they would not allow ruber fuel cells they drivers getting burnt to death
they would not allow a safer tire because this is stock car racin
they still have not implemented the humpybumper would have saver Dale Ernhearts life
they wont mandate open face helments
took them forever to install the safer barier
especaily in its early years the france family only cared about money not the driver more than once they would send them out on to an unsafe track becaseu they wanted the fans money
read best damn garage in town by smokey yunick great read any way but realy gives you a behind the scenes look of about anything automitive from 1930-1980
as far as the rule changes go id like to see something besides areo rules and instead of take away give a second option like lemans does
allow a disel engine
how about a close wheel car with no wings
two seaters?
f1 has becoem pretty damn boring right now the best tires per race are winning its not the cars or the drivers instead of a spec tire they should be adding a third tire company
instead of an engine freeze give them a restircer and allow turbos agin