Truth is, a driver pretty well has to make contact and have an accident before it will be taken up by the race officials.
Close only counts in hand grenades and hydrogen bombs.
Yes but when he did the same 'walk in the park' like on lap 1 later in the race, he rejoined before Kimi sled to the left side and instantly started pushing Kimi off the road!manchild wrote:Sometimes driver gets back on track in a certain way due to inertia not because he decided to rejoin that way. To punish someone you got to be certain that it was his intention to do so.
I was talking about rule. Some people are suggesting that dangerous rejoining should be punished trough some new FIA rule and I agree but to make a rule you have to clear out and define what is intentional dangerous rejoining and what is accidental. Rules must consist on solid principles that can be applied in any situation.modbaraban wrote:Yes but when he did the same 'walk in the park' like on lap 1 later in the race, he rejoined before Kimi sled to the left side and instantly started pushing Kimi off the road!manchild wrote:Sometimes driver gets back on track in a certain way due to inertia not because he decided to rejoin that way. To punish someone you got to be certain that it was his intention to do so.
I too had a hard time with Hamilton on pole.... I love the guy, but it's damn near impossible for a Ferrari fan like me to root for the talented bastard!Tom wrote:unfortunetly I missed the start when my Sky+ descided it couldn't handle the pressure of Hamilton on polebut alot of his spins did look overly risky.