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pompelmo wrote:because he's not driving a red painted car with a sticker with a black horse on a yellow background
Actually I regret to agree that you do have a point... looking at the past penalties Ferrari-drivers received I am led to believe that if a Ferrari-driver did what Alonso does then the FIA would penalize it (probably based on a protest from Dennis).
I remember Montoya doing simmillar things, yet never to the degree of Alonso.
When will the FIA inform FA of the rules of how to rejoin the track after goin off?
Last edited by ViiKING on 11 Jun 2007, 10:48, edited 1 time in total.
I agree with you there, esspecially the way Alonso rejoined at Barcelona, that was just plain dangerous. unfortunetly I missed the start when my Sky+ descided it couldn't handle the pressure of Hamilton on pole but alot of his spins did look overly risky.
Murphy's 9th Law of Technology:
Tell a man there are 300 million stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he'll have to touch to be sure.
I've seen much worse. Drivers dragging liters of gravel back on track, much worse.
Did Alonso collide with anyone? Close call, yes, but no collision. It really is a judgement call on this one. And maybe on such sensitive issues, why isn't the GPDA policing themselves?
DaveKillens wrote:I've seen much worse. Drivers dragging liters of gravel back on track, much worse.
Did Alonso collide with anyone? Close call, yes, but no collision. It really is a judgement call on this one. And maybe on such sensitive issues, why isn't the GPDA policing themselves?
U can`t be serious. Putting gravel on the track is worse(!?) than rejoining the track in front of another car so closely that you leave the other driver with ALL responsability to take the necessary actions to avoid an accident??
Anyway putting gravel on the track is not mentioned in any rules. Yet rejoing the track after going off is.
Maybe all drivers should do what FA does and stop waiting for traffic..
VK, you obviously don't like Alonso. I'm not pro or con when it comes to him and I don't think he's any better or worse than any other driver. Like going too fast into the 1st corner...he was lucky not to spin the car, which might've caused something more serious. I'm sure he didn't intend to drive back on track like that, cause he lost all the speed doing that.
He's not a bad guy, really, he isn't.
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you
pRo wrote:VK, you obviously don't like Alonso. I'm not pro or con when it comes to him and I don't think he's any better or worse than any other driver. Like going too fast into the 1st corner...he was lucky not to spin the car, which might've caused something more serious. I'm sure he didn't intend to drive back on track like that, cause he lost all the speed doing that.
He's not a bad guy, really, he isn't.
I have nothing personal against FA, usually quick and consistant, except I do think he is a little Kimi is;-)
Anyway FA wen`t off the track 4 times in the same corner after outbraking himself on the right side where it`s naturally less grip. Ok one thing is that he never learned from his mistakes, another thing is that he didn`t wait for traffic when rejoing the track. Sure he couldn`t avoid nearly hitting Hamilton cause obviously he had no control at that point, yet when control was recovered he immediately started to defend his position by useing his slow moving car to block incoming much quicker moving cars. That is dangerous and bad racing. When u spin u are obliged to let traffic pass, usually alle drivers follow this safety conserning rule, yet with`s a different rule for him?
kaye FA's forrays back onto the track could be less dangerous, but I don't see them as too dangerous, he hasn't caused an accident because of this, and lets be honest, there are 2 options:
1. Come back on the track ASAP
2. Wait for a large enough gap
1 requires decent all round view (or in Spain this year decent wing mirrors, which no F1 car has lol)
and 2 means that you have to stop trying to win...which isn't a racer's mentality.
At the end of the day they are racing cars, it is dangerous, accidents do happen, people do spin and make mistakes. Take Canada this year, from the viewers pespective FA could have collided with LH, but didn't, and after the race Lewis didn't mention a thing about it.
Obviously the near-miss didn't have any sort of effect on LH, so what's the problem?
I recall times that Ralf, (I think at Nurburgring, can't remember what year) went off track, came back on and hit another car, taking them both out of the race. he didn't recieve a penalty of any sort. Why not? Because it's racing, and these things happen.
Equally, why should it be just the responibility of the Driver who is rejoining the track to avoid other cars? Surely the responsibility is shared by all drivers? Should a driver ignore the fact that another car is travelling towards the track to rejoin? What gives either driver the "right of way"? ALL racing drivers on a track, ALL share equal reponsibility to prevent an accident, whether avoiding an accident, avoiding a car rejoining the track, or rejoining the track themselves. Surely if (for example at Canada this year) FA is rejoing the track after his off, LH and all the other drivers have equal responsibility to avoid his car?
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.
ViiKING wrote:when control was recovered he immediately started to defend his position by useing his slow moving car to block incoming much quicker moving cars
Yes, that's what race drivers do.
When u spin u are obliged to let traffic pass, usually alle drivers follow this safety conserning rule, yet with`s a different rule for him?
It's one thing to spin and another to drive off track. If you spin and end up the wrong way around, of course you have to wait for some space, cause you have to spin the car back. It takes some room and time.
I think everyone is doing what Alonso does. Going off track and then trying to get back without losing too much. They don't just stop and wait for everyone to pass. Heck, it seemed to be perfectly ok for one other champion to hit a wall and then hit the guy coming behind you. Alonso is a lot cleaner and hasn't hit anything as far as I can remember.
I'm sure other teams would make some noise if they thought he's doing something very wrong. They usually do, even if FIA doesn't react.
Formula 1, 57, died Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007
Born May 13, 1950, in Silverstone, United Kingdom
Will be held in the hearts of millions forever
Rest In Peace, we will not forget you
Sometimes driver gets back on track in a certain way due to inertia not because he decided to rejoin that way. To punish someone you got to be certain that it was his intention to do so.