How would you make the MP4/19B

All that has to do with the power train, gearbox, clutch, fuels and lubricants, etc. Generally the mechanical side of Formula One.
Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55


do you really think two chimneys would do the job?
sorry I cannot believe this engine went bust after 7 laps because of a little bit of air not escaping fast enough.
Did you ever think of mclarens reliability and performance issues as a result of people inside the team want to destabilize some leading figures?We are there,personal consequences seem inevitable.......they were succesful at theit thing.Let´s see if Mclaren has a wonder turnaround when those people have ben sacked.....



Mikacouli wrote:
Scuderia_Russ wrote: 1) Strike up a partership with Ferrari and talk them into releasing engines and gearboxes for the new car...or...
that is not possible. They are two great rivals and you want that McLaren will drive with a Ferrari engine. Keenp on dreaming.There's no chance it will happen.

I see it already in front of me: McLaren Ferrari :lol:
Of course there is no chance of it happening,it was a subtle attempt to refer to Saubers drivetrain deal and the recent allegations of espionage with regards to Toyota and the possible theft of interlectual info,both measures to keep up with Ferrari dominance. :roll:

Joined: 10 Jul 2003, 19:24
Location: Indianapolis


I really think it was a big mistake of newey to follow the evolutionary path of the mp4/18 which was dogged with problems from it's first run. TO think that further development time would allow the mp4/19 to address those problems and move on was probably not the shrewdest move. Even the concpet of an MP4/19B is not very hopeful. They'll be 6 months behind everyone else in development and setup terms. It's really time for a big shake up, staring off with an MP5/1 for next season, maybe with coughlan at the helm. IIRC Coughlan was the man who kept the mp4/17 competitive for so long, well beyond it's original development cycle. Newey may just have lost the spark.
"I'll bring us through this. As always. I'll carry you - kicking and screaming - and in the end you'll thank me. "

Joined: 28 Dec 2003, 20:10


Why spend millions to make the car one tenth of a second faster a lap and throwing away 5 (or more)seconds before the race has even started?

Kind of off-topic here, but from what I have seen of DC, he has always
struck me as more a clothes horse than a race horse.

Kimi...well...the "Iceman" tag was a bit premature in hindsight.
He has the skills to win in the right car, but so far has shown little
in the way of getting that extra from a car that technically, isn't there.

The shoving of the Sepang marhall was a smart move... :lol:

Joined: 17 Nov 2003, 03:40


we are one step closer to seeing what the 19b would be like.They've seem to bee using rear wing painted black, whether that is a new clolour scheme or they are hiding something. Most probably they are hiding something.

Another engine blow up i suspect.

Joined: 28 Jun 2003, 22:49
Location: bristol,uk


If Mclaren keep makin new car,when they gonna develop their car?? I think last year was disaster because their effort was so diverse and didn't really concentrate on their race car,and a results Kimi lost the championship battle.

So I think they should develop MP4-19 into credible race car first,optimising it.I'm tired of hearing the phase "the new car would be quantum leap compared to old car" like they were saying when they were developing MP4-18.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55


well ,I remember those lJORDANesque words of quntum leaps very well,and I must say my thoughts were ,ohoh is there somebody afraid of the dark?trying to talk himself into a positive frame of mind and makin the wolfe think one was strong?
Look at Ferrari over the winter,they worked down their programme had testing miles as much as minardi,did not talk over their performance but yet where making williams and Mclaren eating their words come first race.
Honestly it´s never clever to be too sure ,or why do you think does ferrari not slow their development programmme.....
As someone said elsewhere how can th mclaren be a crap car if it was that fast sometimes?the answers are obvious:setup,mclaren is unsure of the operating window.when they are in it the thing flies. when off they are off .to a lesser degree that is also true for williams.Ferrari comes to the track with a competitive setup whereas the others play catchupfor speed and find it.maybe the key elements should revise their assumptions in the buildup to the weekend and they would arrive at the track with able to start their work...let me alone with those power figures ......they are only of political interest .the engine has to last the race and has to produce power in the area of say 95% of the best and you are there,as renault
proves weekend after weekend



I just had another thaough on the matter of the MP4-19. It could very well be that this is a knife-edge car. Most of you will probably understand what i mean by that, but if you don't...A knife-edge car is a car which is very fast when you get the right setup, but finding the right setup is very difficult. Another trait of a knife-edge car is that it is very sensitive to setup changes so what may seem like a step in the right direction could be a step too far and you end up with a worse setup before.

This would explain why at one point they where blisteringly quick at valencia, but then when testing at barcelona (a track that the teams all know and have setup data for) they were off the pace.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55


in the other mclaren related thread I elaborated onthis already.I am with you ,ibelieve the mac is very sensitive to ride height changes at the front ,as the car washes out as the drivers get off the brake.They need to run it stiffer at the front to adress the diving but this results in a narrower operating window .To balance the thing out they have to rely on a stiffly sprung back too ,wich leeds to loss of traction.The funny thing is they seem to deliberately have made that decision why else should one compromise on suspension pickuppoints when not restricted suspension movements are planned anyway,(less movement means less change of wheel orientation with bad geometries).....
Valencia is not very high speed so if they fly there Imight as well be completely wrong or they are able to run the car softer there because the high speed corners are missing.....just a guess.very unfortunate they don´t drive a formula 1 grandprix there ,Mr Dennis....



I think MP4-20 or perhaps even MP4-19B would rather look like an evolution of MP4-17D...