Why does the idea suck?
The ones that would be descending are Sutil, Fisichella and Force India. It seems fair to me to replace them with Nico Hulkenberg, Edoardo Motara and ART Grand Prix, if you know who I am talking about.
Actually, I wonder how many people in this forum knows who I am talking about: please raise your hands. No one? Ah, yes, but I see few hands! On the sarcastic side, it would be a great opportunity for Force India (sorry, sorry, just a joke... but a good one, isn't it?).
Besides, in many countries, you need two different cable operators to watch F1 and F3. Where is the logic in that?
IMNVHO, the system has made wonders to NASCAR teams and drivers coming from the "minor league" in US. Yes, I know NASCAR does not have a formal ascend/descend system, but they share TV time. Why it wouldn't work for F1?
How many of you have watched the 2008 F3 championship, compared with how many north americans have watched the Nationwide series?
Finally, I agree with donskar, as usual: JTom made a very good post. I would remark that the knowledge of american fans is excellent, much better than the one I've seen at the F1 races I've attended.