Actually, it would be interesting to have a race without rules. The closest thing I know is the world famous incredible Gumball or Cannonball Race.
Thinking about it, now we know what Miguel is doing in the US: racing in the Cannonball... so, you thought we wouldn't notice, eh, Mick?
The rules for this "formula" are simple: go from New Jack city (or Darien, Connecticut) to Redondo Beach. That's it.
No rules about the cars, no rules about the body, the engine, the wheels, the sidepods, the pitstops or anything. You don't even have a track, for the love of Pete. Actually you're expected to break the safety rules, the speed limit, the traffic rules, you mention them. I guess you can bite your nails, smoke, use drugs, fart, spit, crash and, in general, behave like a pig... It's like Flavio Briatore driving, I imagine.

As everybody and his dog around here knows, this race was started by the motorcyclist extraordinaire George Cannonball Baker. Here you have how your formula looked in 1933, blueflash (welcome, you guy):
George "Cannonball" Baker in his first race across the States, near the Mexican border

The grid: notice that pitbabes are in the car, of course! They are probably making up with the driver. Notice also that there is no espresso and if there is coffe around this place every drop is horrible... who cares?

Cannonball conceptualists: Brock (standing, right) and Yates (in the car), twin souls of blueflash

The first Cannonball: the world acclaimed Moon Trash II. This car completed the course in a rather disappointing 40 hours 51 minutes, driven by Brock & Yates. What are they doing here? Spitting the espresso and licking an ice cream, evidently...

After thinking for a while, I'm amazed every time we come to the old theme of regulations to see people thinking that F1 is held back by regulations or the bosses, when in fact the only thing that holds it back its the lack of imagination. Same goes for ourselves, btw: it's not the rules what limits us, is our mind. As the old song goes, if you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.