Do you know what would make F1 better?

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Do you know what would make F1 better?


Just wanted thoughts that if all rules where lifted where F1 could be?

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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


I really see it pointless debating this 'what if all rules are lifted' purely because I think rules make it interesting, it is striking the right balance that is important.

Also rules is what keeps drivers 'safe'.

All in my opinion.

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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


all rules?

ok, F1 would be great cus I would hold up a flag that said "I Win" every weekend and class myself a World Champion. Cus with no rules nothing would stop me.

I think what you mean to ask is Which rules should be relaxed or changed to make F1 better
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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


Don't be rediculous,

By lifting rules I simply meant regulations, and as for driver safety surely it would improve with the newer technologies. After all isn't its aims more recently 'meant' overall to improve automotive tech?

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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


blueflash wrote:By lifting rules I simply meant regulations, and as for driver safety surely it would improve with the newer technologies.
Which regulations? All? Be prepared to have jet-powered driverless trains that would run on electromagnetic railways laid by the teams on the circuit prior to race.

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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


timbo wrote:Which regulations? All? Be prepared to have jet-powered driverless trains that would run on electromagnetic railways laid by the teams on the circuit prior to race.
The NASA-McLaren Nuclear Flatulence Mag-Lev racer?

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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


I know that ice cream would make Formula One better, especially on hot summer days. Or gelato for Ferrari and STR.
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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


I would just like to see a set of rules that is done so well, that the regulations can go away.

Remember, the RULES are what the sport is played by, the regulations are in place to stop cheating.

Could you have a pinnacle world-class sport that is honest and honorable? I think yes, but it would take a revolution to make it happen. And while people are docile sheep, they eat like goats. That is, whatever trash that is thrown at them.

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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


blueflash wrote:Just wanted thoughts that if all rules where lifted where F1 could be?
It could well be in the moon.
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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


It would be quite pointless, really.

We like the sport because of the rules. It calls for bright people to understand how far they can go without breaking them. At the same time it makes it more competitive. Even nore important, rules make the cars look pretty much the same for whoever does not care about technical details.

Then thereºs the personal aspect of someone who watches it... without rules noone could complain that the move was ilegal. I'm picturing football or any other sport without rules, and the part of it that would be lost when supporters could not argue if the move was legal or not. No debate, no emotion, no newspapers to comment, no sport by the end of it.

Also, it would stop being a driver's sport to become solely a car (or whatever they become without rules) thingy.

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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


blueflash, this is F1Technical and not F1Fansite so if you want precise answers, make precise questions. Otherwise we tend to say ridiculous things :)

For my better F1, I´ll keep the NASA-McLaren Nuclear Flatulence Mag-Lev racer and the icecream :D
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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


Belatti wrote: For my better F1, I´ll keep the NASA-McLaren Nuclear Flatulence Mag-Lev racer and the icecream :D
Add Donuts and i am there!
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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


Sawtooth-spike wrote:
Belatti wrote: For my better F1, I´ll keep the NASA-McLaren Nuclear Flatulence Mag-Lev racer and the icecream :D
Add Donuts and i am there!
pizza, donuts and ice cream


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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


Last edited by DaveKillens on 23 Jan 2009, 20:20, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Do you know what would make F1 better?


And how do you plan to watch the 2020 F1 season (if F1 exists by then) with so much cholesterol?

Let's have some seafood salad, cooked partridges and as a concession some kind of chocolate dessert to your liking. All of this of course with a glass or two of good wine. For the sake of blood circulation, you know.

EDIT: I like Davekillens' changes to the rules.

EDIT 2: I'm currently in the states, so I'd also be happy with a good espresso coffee.
I am not amazed by F1 cars in Monaco. I want to see them driving in the A8 highway: Variable radius corners, negative banking, and extreme narrowings that Tilke has never dreamed off. Oh, yes, and "beautiful" weather tops it all.

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