Effects of a 200 liter fuel-tank?

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Joined: 01 Oct 2008, 18:29

Re: Effects of a 200 liter fuel-tank?


You guys dont seem to remember the cars back in 1993 had full race tanks, with engines that are probly thirstier than todays.

The distance between the driver's back & the rear wheel centerline will be increased, and therefore the wheelbase, but it wont be a radical change.

The driver sat a bit more upright, but also the feet were lower because the nose was not as high as today's.

Joined: 24 Jul 2007, 21:28

Re: Effects of a 200 liter fuel-tank?


It looks like a tight fit to get the driver's feet behind the front axle though - when did that rule come in?

Joined: 29 Jul 2008, 08:54

Re: Effects of a 200 liter fuel-tank?


i would not be worried about fitting a kers and a 200l tank for several reasons:

- 200l is a very wide measure. With v8s you could look at considerably less (170 ?).
- a good base for comparaison is to take a pre-refueling era car (say 1992) running for instance a v12... this would volumetrically be quite similar to a v8+kers.
a good example hence could be the mp4-7 running a relatively voluminous Honda v12.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... n_Hall.jpg

- Dont forget that by 2010, gen2 Kers will likely be a bit tighter and definitely more interesting.

Granted the regulations would probably push the driver back a bit for crash-test reasons but it really is not that bad. You can have a very tight package, not necessarly a super long wheelbase.

The car shown by isalmatron is the 1993 running a ford V8.. much more compact car overall.. but not THAT different.