Here's the revised 2010 regulations. For the fuel system, details are in Article 6. ... 4-2009.pdf
6.1.3 Fuel must not be stored more than 400mm from the longitudinal axis of the car.
The section pertaining to refuelling is crossed out, which indicates no more refuelling. There is also no mention of capacity, I assume that will be left to the teams to decide.
6.1.2 All the fuel stored on board the car must be situated between the front face of the engine and the driver's back when viewed in lateral projection. When establishing the front face of the engine, no parts of the fuel, oil, water or electrical systems will be considered.
Furthermore, no fuel can be stored more than 300mm forward of the highest point at which the driver's back makes contact with his seat. However, a maximum of 2 litres of fuel may be kept outside the survival cell, but only that which is necessary for the normal running of the engine.
The driver will be pushed forward, but that too is restricted because of Article 13.4.2
13.4.2 When he is seated normally, the soles of the driver's feet, resting on the pedals in the inoperative position, must not be situated forward of the front wheel centre line.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.