Hmm, tricky one, I dont think F1 in particular has proved the Prius specifically to be rubbish, the prius is rubbish for its own set of reasons.
F1 has raised awareness of KERS like systems and that can only be a positive and it has shown to be an advantage - listen to all the drivers complaining about trying to pass a car with "a special button" and just watch the start of the spanish GP. Like all things it has advantages and draw backs, development of the package to reduce weight and an increase in the energy it is allowed to store would increase its advantage further.
As for the Prius in particular I personally think that its rubbish, but its is as someone said a "predecessor" to a new generation of technology. My particular bug bear with it is the batteries, not only do you have the light and cheap problem, but there is disposal at end of life, chemical batteries are not nice things to throw away! (the same also goes for some of the chemicals/materials used in that panacea the hydrogen fuel cell) so maybe flybrid is the technology to go with...but without the development and demonstration of such things via the Prius and F1 the ideas dont gain credibility enough to get off the ground and then be developed!