bjpower wrote:hybrids are the future???
I know, you are indeed misguided to think otherwise. Duel fuel systems are the future, you're naive to think otherwise. Basically, we all know oil is finite and that we can't grow enough alternatives. So cutting consumption is the way forward. The trick is to do it without taking away the fun.
petrol engines are not very efficient, fair point
so the solution is to weigh them down so it take MORE energy to accelerate by using motors which are massively efficient.
Flywheel systems don't agree with your statement. Again, lack of research.
right lets start so
1. the batteries are heavy as hell better off making lighter cars Honda jazz will do 45 mpg with a 1.4 petrol and be nippy as hell, also will fit a 7 foot Christmas tree and go happily up a 45 degree incline.
Honda Jazz, it's hardly the sort of car that is going to benefit in the short term, until the tech improves, but the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Honda system which is fitted to a smal car in testing now keeps the performance and only emits water. That will be the system for small cars when it's ready (probably big ones too).
2. the motor itself only gets a fraction of the braking power and then has more inefficiency pumping the power to the batts and then more loss when it comes to running the motor to drive the car
Rome wasn't built in a day. Efficiency can and will go up. Electric systems are highly efficient, but the technology to harness that energy is still maturing.
3. auto gear box less power less efficiency.
What's that got to do with it? If you use an electric motor it can be directly attached to the drive shafts and have very small mechanical losses.
4. if you live in a hilly area you are going to have less mpg with the preus as it takes more energy due to the extra mass to push it up hill.
Why are you picking on the Prius, are you aware of the other Hybrids? The Prius is an early version of the technology. Again battery systems will get lighter, flywheels better still, and FuelCells are also less weighty. If all your arguments are based on weight then you're going to lose.
5.if these are the future, then we are boned as your future solution is just taping over a hole in the bucket. would the money not be better off being put into bio fuel etc.
The earth can't deliver enough bio crops to fuel cars, it has enough problems feeding 6 billion mouths. Hybrids are about recycling kinetic and heat energy, they should be on bio fueled cars and fossil fueled cars.
So no F1 hasn't shown up the Prius, the systems are inherently different, different concepts for different goals, 1 saves fuel in theory and the other is a power boost system.