FYI, the average number of overtakings any driver does is 1 OT per race.
It's infinitely easier to "overtake" with current qualifying that with the proposed in this thread.
I don't rant frequently (or so I think), but I've heard bad ideas about qualifying over the years: this one shines in that special category.
You essentially propose to preserve the current pecking order forever and ever: if you want to win a position you have to overtake during the qualy!
You need a car that's one second a lap (in most circuits, in others you need a 1.5 sec advantage!) to gain ONE position from one race to the other.
We can call this proposal: "The rise of the blockers". The best man blocking wins.
I respectfully disagree with this idea, based in a strange concept people have that is called LOGIC. However, that hasn't interrupted a single thread since I started to post.
All I can say is that Nelson Piquet, Michael Schumacher and Ayrton Senna, all of them great crashers, sorry, I meant, racers, would love the concept. If you can make somebody to crash, he doesn't have a bad race: he has a bad season! Glorious. To get pole position the next race after that you have to:
a. Overtake 26 cars in 26 laps (whew!), or
b. Create a crash big enough to take out 25 oponents
I was worried by the disgraceful state evil is in these days: crime rate is descending at alarming speed. There aren't enough crimes nor temptations to commit crimes in F1 already. I can foresight that this sorry state of things will change in the future: let's change the laws frequently until people cannot distinguish good from bad. Hey, now that I think about it, The Man might have discovered that many years ago.