I have this crazy idea that could change F1 qualitying and racing for ever.
Instead of the traditional qualifying session for example when there are 3 sessions and a number of cars have to beat the best time to continue to the next round, why not let all the drivers start at the same time for example:
- If there will be 26 cars next year or in the future, all cars could start qualifying together just like a normal race but the rules would be different then the race.
- there would be 26 laps to race because of 26 cars are on the track.
- last car who passes the finish line of a lap will be knocked out of the qualifying session and will start at the back.
- When the driver crashes or gets a penalty will also be eliminated and will have to start from the back.
- the only way to get the pole, the driver will have to survive the knock out race and win qualifying race.
This idea would really rev up F1 and more people would start watching the GP's because of the new qualifying session, the ratings would go up because no one would know who will start the race.
F1 is an inovation racing league and this would be beneficial because F1 would be the first to do this style of qualifying.