Does anybody know when was the last time FIA overruled the stewarts? C'mon, tell me, I sincerely want enlightment.
And, do you think MC is creating a conspiracy theory out of nothing? Well, what about Ferrari not needing or not being able to take the same advantage of the dampers any more? says it gives 0.3 seconds per lap for cars on Michelin tires "on certain tracks with heavy braking and high kerbs... " and that "the benefit for the Bridgestone teams is much less" and that is the reason why "Ferrari only ran the system at some races this year".
If I understand correctly, FIA board is composed by morons that:
- Doesn't have stewards that know their own rules, (after all the imaginable changes made to ensure a friend of the board is at every GP...)
- Have a new system in place to overrule arbiters (imagine this situation at the World Cup: the FIFA board in a fast meeting, while the match is still being played, reinstates Zidane and expells Mazzerati)
- It chooses to change a rule at the middle of the season when nobody can adapt to it, except those that cannot or doesn't use it.
- It does so with the most moronic argument they can find (moveable aerodynamic devices... you must be joking about flexi-wings, don't you?)
- Immediately affect the outcome of the championship (fortunately, this is not a reason to protest, but if I would be Briatore, I would want revenge...)
C'mon guys, are you totally neutered?
I am not saying it is true,

but if it walks like a duck, quack like a duck and fly like a duck, probably is a duck. Next time they will come for the socialists...