This is getting tiring and I mean no disrespect but:
May be because Lewis always have a couple more laps on G3?
How are team favouring Lewis to eek out another lap?
Or may be because in Hungria on last G3 laps McLaren team put used hard tyres for Alonso and unused soft ones for Hamilton?
Again as requested by Alonso himself as he seemed to think this was the way to go. Drivers with their engineer decide together on tyre choice.
His discussion regarding the tyre was a ruse to delay his team mate, not the teams fault if it backfired.
Dont know where u get ur 'stories' from but it appears either you or your source are new to F1.
Or because Lewis use to go to tell FIA about internal things in McLaren and FIA punish McLaren and they said nothing?
que?? Does not deserve a response
Or because Lewis don't let Alonso pass on G3, althougt the team is yielding him on the radio, and nothing happends?
Again the hungary thing....been flogged to death, beside got his revenge even if it did backfire and still cant see how this is the team favouring Lewis
Or because Ron said they were racing against Alons in China?
.....perhap you need to define what you mean by "Favouring"
Or because all the team jump when Hamilton wins or make a pole, and when Alonso do the same the cry for Hamilton not winning?
Or because no one in his team even asked how he felt after the crash in Japan (except De la Rosa)?
...and your source for this?
Or because the don't tell Alonso anything by radio, even if he have the back alerons broken (Japan) and doesn't know, or Hamilton is out so Alonso can run slower (China)?
...see previous...surely your source can do better than this.
Or... well, I just want to make you see a few of the reasons that made him say he had 0% confience on his actual team. And I do agree.
Well I agree with u he has 0% confidence int the team, who would after the way he's behaved. Me, I wouldnt be able to look anyone in the eye. Frankly I dont know why he has not been fired (actually I do but thats for some other time).
And, by the way, if spare car is set up for Alonso only from GB, then why did they -McLaren- have to work so so hard after Alonso broke his car on Japan and the spare car had to be totally set up for Alonso?
So a spare car will be available for china....
I heard the spare car was set up with a mixture of both drivers so anyone could take the car and run in a moment. And it was De la Rosa who commented it after Japan, the test pilot in McLaren, so I do trust him!
I probably trust him as well, I'll believe once PDL confirms it and that he did comment on it......again your source?
Its no coincidence that these stories etc not only originate from spain but also appear to be unknown outside of spain.
It is possible to be a fan of someone/thing thats not flawless. But you have to see the irony of the whole thing, accusing the team of the very thing (and more) they refused to be blackmailed into doing by you