I write from spain, so may be I am not neutral, but I can't find anything about that afair in any media except spanish one, so i want to share it with you so you have the same info as we manage here, true or not!
In several spanish newspaper (originally from newspaper AS) tell about the FIA sillently investigating this afair after Fernando claims in the chinesse race.
The FIA commite recalled the pressure data directly from McLaren: The 10 sets of tires used in China classification on Fernando's car had 0.2 pounds -the optimal- EXCEPT the last set used, that was at a incredible 1.5 pounds pressure. Hammilton had they all at 0.2. These are official data! The heathers are pointed as a possible cause: Set them to more than 90 degree and they can cause overpressure!
They also talk about Japan, the rear tires were ALSO bad, and the heathers had been sent to Englad to investigate if they caused overheat on both races.
In both cases, Alonso said at the end of calification that tires were not fine, he could "feel" it clearly, and later it has been confirmed.
They don't publish it as a rumor, but as the initial finds of a official investigation carried out by the FIA, and state that the result will be know in Brazil.
Very BAD english automatic translation:
Babelfish translation
So it is not just "Spanish tiffosy" claims, they are official McLaren data, and the only thing that now had to be determined -if the previously cited info is actually correct- is if it was by mistake (BAD) or a sabotage (EVEN WORST).
And BTW, Hamilton is, in my oppinion, a GREAT driver, but the F1 and McLaren are taking their favouritism to him way to far, not only with that things misteriously happenig to Alonso, also with all the "helps" that Hamilton has had this season, that would had been illegal for any other driver (just remember his car been pushed into track after several other remained outside -as a joke, it was said here that Hamilton's father was driving the truck- and later the safety car letting him pass so he could recover his lost lap, or the Japan afair behind the safety car, to cite two) I find all this not only illegal, inmoral in a so called "sport").
Just to add a little more fire, Alonso knew about Hamilton problem in China because HE SAW IT ON THE BIG CIRCUIT MONITORS, no one said anything to him by radio! I can't understand it without thinking badly about McLaren team, sorry.