We all know the evil ways of Mr. E. That is nothing new. Those who constantly complain about Mr. E's business ethics forget that F1 races have their own market place. I do not know any business that would refuse to take money which they can take legitimely. CVC is not a charity but a business in the private equity sector. Those guys typically go for 25 to 25,000% of profit taking. So those are the realities and moaning about it will not change anything.
Things being as they are one has to ask what should be done. My opinion is that Britain needs that Grand Prix and more than Australia needs one. They have a leadership in a high tech manufacturing industry to loose and Britain doesn't have an awefull lot of those. Unfortunately the BRDC has screwed up for 20 years and will not be given another chance. The government and the British based teams would probably do good to sort this out somehow.