Donington unveals upgrade plans

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Joined: 22 Apr 2008, 17:09
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Donington unveals upgrade plans


Donington Park has revealed its plan for redeveloping the circuit and facilities ready to host the 2010 British Grand Prix.

The track requiries significant upgrades to meet modern Formula One standards, and today its owners submitted their initial plans to North West Leicestershire District Council for approval.

Under the proposals, the pit lane will be moved from its current location to what is presently the Starkey's Straight, with a brand new paddock constructed on the inside of the track at this point and Coppice corner being reprofiled to accomodate the new pit entry.

The realignment of the straight means that the current Esses will be replaced by a slight left-hand kink, with the Melbourne Hairpin instead becoming the circuit's first corner.

The track will also be extended, with a new infield loop constructed. Rather than taking the current left-hand hairpin at the end of the Melbourne Loop, the revised circuit will continue straight on into a sweeping downhill left-hand bend and then a new hairpin, before climbing back towards the current pits straight.

"The submission of these plans heralds the start of a massive re-development project and a new era for Donington Park. It's an incredibly exciting time for everybody involved," said Donington's chief executive officer Simon Gillett.

"We are delighted with the plans and when the work is completed we will have a facility that will be the pride of world championship motorsport."

Donington also confirmed that its chief operating officer Lee Gill has now left the company by mutual consent.

"We wish to thank Mr Gill for his work at the circuit over the past 18 months in which we secured the prestigious FIA Formula One British Grand Prix," said Gillett.

"Mr Gill is pursuing other interests and we wish him every success. The move is part of the planned re-structuring of the company as it turns its attention fully towards the future, working towards the development of the circuit and the running of the 2010 British Grand Prix."

Donington has been awarded a ten-year contract to host the British GP, starting from 2010.

They've ruined Copice into another damn Tilke corner :shock: :x
Powertrain Cooling Engineer

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 14:39

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


It was a bit of a low key announcement. It was issued to the press during a free practice session at Spa.

From the information put out, it is impossible to know if it is a case Gill moving on of his own accord. Or whether there is a fundamental difference of opinion regarding the direction that the project is going. I thought that Gill was heavily involved in raising funds for the project.
Williams and proud of it.

Joined: 22 Jun 2004, 14:45
Location: Norfolk, UK

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


I actually think that layout will work nicely a decent, hero hairpin from the start, then another hairpin at the end of a long left...with the reduced downforce the cars will be running in 2010 I think these 2 corners could see some decent battles.

If anyone can find a bigger picture please post it up.
- Axle

Joined: 23 Jul 2008, 00:10

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


All the plans can be found here:

The track layout can be found directly here: ... r_plan.pdf

Joined: 22 May 2005, 22:53

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


I read that the finance officer has also left and the PR firm they used to help get the deal have also bailed.
Not looking good.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 14:39

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


Thanks MattF1.

Those drawings are very impressive. Does anyone know when the ground is due to be broken on this project? Is there a draft project plan/time-line?
Williams and proud of it.

Joined: 05 Apr 2007, 17:44
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


The picture in the first post seems to be protected from hotlinking. It didn't show up until I pasted the link manually.

Oh, and was that Tolke corner something we didn't expect? :roll:
modbaraban wrote:
ESPImperium wrote:What id Remoddel it: ... onpark.png
Realistically though... BE gonna pay millions to the known german who'll turn it into this:
Well it could be worse...

Joined: 06 Apr 2008, 00:08
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


Its close to what i thought it may be, but they have noe ruined Coppice.


Joined: 22 Apr 2008, 17:09
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


ESP, there is no room to extend the track that way from Copise -- there's a road directly behind the circuit.

I just want a circuit that maintains it's character. I will NOT accept a Tilke molestation.
Powertrain Cooling Engineer

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


Scotracer wrote:ESP, there is no room to extend the track that way from Copise -- there's a road directly behind the circuit.
Yes, but he had to expand track to fit pit-area.
I just want a circuit that maintains it's character. I will NOT accept a Tilke molestation.
It is way to easy to critisize Tilke for what he is not responsible. He is a professional and he has to fulfil a number of demands that contradict themself. And his circuits are pretty good.
Yes, he transformed Hokkenheim from ultra-speed to conventional circuit, but he had to! And there were a lot of on-track battles on the new layout.
Also remember A1-Ring - great job!
Look at modern Shanghai, Sakhir, Istambul-park, all great tracks that held some exciting battles.
Compare them with previous generation of "new" tracks - Magny-Cours and Catalunia with traditionally "parade" races...
I think he is great.

Joined: 06 Apr 2008, 00:08
Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


True, there is a raod, but i was only doing something for illustration purposes.

Coppice is ruined, it was one of those corners that you had to be smooth thru, now its a up hill baraking zone into a long straignt.

Turn 1 looks simmilar to Turn 1 at Fuji, Japan
Turn 3 looks simmilar to Turn 9 at Sakir, Bahrain
Turn 5 looks Simmilar to Lesmo 2 at Monza, Italy - But less fun
Turn 14 (Coppice) looks simmilar to the final corner at Sakir, Bahrain - But up hill and less fun.

I have 3 reservations about that track layout:

1) Where will the MotoGP guys go, as i like watching Rossi, Stoner and Pedrosa and co at Donnington.
2) Where the EFF will they put the main stage at Download in the summer, as im a metal head, im concerned that the Tilke Molestation will have limited the Download atmosphere.
3) No Dunlop Bridge!!! Thats a landmark imo of Donnington!!!

Call me a traditionalist, but i am one who thinks the Brittish GP should be at Silverstone as i feel that is the spiritual home of british Motorsport. But thats my sentimental feelings probably.

Its gonna be good having 2 quality tracks that can hold F1 in the UK.

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


ESPImperium wrote:Call me a traditionalist, but i am one who thinks the Brittish GP should be at Silverstone as i feel that is the spiritual home of british Motorsport.
That I agree! Also Silverstone was one of the few non "start-stop" F1 tracks remaining.
Its gonna be good having 2 quality tracks that can hold F1 in the UK.
Non being from Britain I don't care much, but I agree with you, Britain being one of the leading motorsport nations HAS to have some top-class race-tracks.

Joined: 25 Nov 2008, 23:16

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


Had an email saying my trackday at donington on 29th december is canceled for something about a F1??? track improvement.
anyone know who this F1 lot are and why their money is better than mine and my 20 year old rusty vw..... :|

Your's sincerely

G Moseley.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 14:39

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


As a local to Donington, I wish that I could realistically believe that the British GP had found a permanent home that was more worthy than Silverstone. Anyone who knows the access routes to Silverstone and Donington cannot confuse the advantage that Silverstone has over Donington.

After criticism , Silverstone arranged to have a link built between the M1 and M40 that passes Silverstone. Anyone who has visited both tracks on race day will know that there is simply no comparison between the two circuits in terms of access.

I live 45 mins from Donington and 55 mins from Silverstone, so I have no axe to grind with either circuit. But if you add up all of the criticisms of Silverstone over the years and its response to those criticisms , there is no comparison with nthe facilities that Donington has to offer. Disregarding the circuit, Donington does not stand up as a GP circuit. Even though I love the circuit.
Williams and proud of it.

Joined: 30 Oct 2008, 13:15

Re: Donington unveals upgrade plans


I thought it'd be better to put this here than make a new thread.

If you haven't seen this already, take a look. It's a simulated lap of the new Donington onboard.