Well, I don't know of any southamerican engineers in F1, but that's irrelevant. I happily concede the superiority of europeans, (and germans excelling at it), when mechanical engineering is involved. Latinamericans have contributed almost zilch to the human knowledge in that field, let's be sincere. Thanks anyway, donskar.
Glad to make you laugh, WB. More laugh is on your way, I think.
I guess you can stop smiling and point now to us the great moments in the history of BMW at F1 racing
before the Williams deal to counteract my arguments, instead of relying on the suggestion of me being drunk (how far would you go? I thought

Interesting question, now answered).
You know I find amusing to point newbies in this forum the logic fallacies you (or me) can fall into when talking, and "Ad hominem" attack is one of them.
Anyway, I'd also love to hear about the big PR moments of Mr. Thiessen's life, or his charming talk, his most persuasive discourses or his feats at racing since his childhood. I know he knows cars, he's a Doctor in Mechanical Engineering, but AFAIK, he knew nothing about F1 before April 1999. He reminds me of Sarah Palin: great at generalities.
I also find mildly amusing Mr. Thiessen already forgotten criticisms of Williams, many of them in the same style of the ones I find in this thread.
Wasn't he a strong critic of Williams "inability to win a constructor championship" or "their incapacity of having multiple GP victories through the year"?
I'm quoting the guy from memory but I have good memory. Anyway, it's easy to find comments from him like this one:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsp ... 036349.stm
It can be applied to him right now, almost word by word. I was incensed when I saw the tortoise logo on BMW's truck, back in 2003. Who this guy believes he is? Now we know who he is. A guy that has spent during the last three years over a billion on NOT winning what he (according to his own words) deserved because of his stupendous engines. Hot air, that's what we see, if we are able to remember his promises.
Don't get me wrong: I think that some day BMW will get a championship. I actually
hope so. I like diversity and I like all teams and drivers (I spend half of my time here defending them) and, over all, I like BMWs. But how easily we forget the "fine points" in history! The beam in our own eye.
Where are his constructor championship cups? Or, maybe, has he lowered his expectations about what constitutes a great team? Around 2004 he was, for anyone with two eyes and a brain, in a political move to discredit Williams and get his own team. Very similar to the story I read here in some posts of this thread, except people here doesn't do it for a position.
Maybe I'm wrong (I always start thinking that), so any histories or anecdotes about Mr. Thiessen that can change my point of view about him are welcome. Anyway, I think people calls him Flanders for a reason, and it's not his easiness at social meetings or his flamboyance.
He seems to me a strait laced guy. That's not a big deal, no problem for me with that, that's just a trait of personality or maybe education, I don't care. I don't think Mr. Williams is a great dancer either...
But I don't like what I saw as a well planned coup against Williams, robbing the team of direly needed support, in the middle of a crucial year, coup of which I don't know if Sir Frank can recover before he dies.
I don't like him a bit because of this, even if I can
easily take my hat to his many other accomplishments. But he certainly has some sort of "skinflintness" hovering about him when it's about giving credit to Williams.
And that is what I don't like here: people that, to talk good things about someone, feel somehow impelled to talk bad about others.
Do we
really need to be in the Inquisition to be good Catholics?
And talking about
that, let me tell you that the only place I've been drinking at is at the fountain of justice (if it has not dried up completely)...
No, guys, I'm not ranting, I was born like this.