obviously they do because the team presidents would rather battle over who has the better wheelnut than look towards real innovation.... if you didnt notice KERS is not mandatory, it was just reallowed this year after being banned in the mid nineties... the regs have allways said that the engine could be the only mode of propulsion, so the regs were opened up and the teams fight against it, well some of them do, the teams that are headed by idiot politician types and not engineers.(Ferrari, Renault)
Mass dampers, flexi wings and traction control are not innovations but rather just improvements on existing technologies. Again I ask what has been innovative on the cars since active suspension?
I don't remember that about KERS. Care to tell the rest of us about this in the mid-90s?
And to your final point, I guess it's what you define as 'innovation'. MD's, flexible wings, TC. I would count those as innovations in performance terms. They might not be new
ideas, but they are influential in car performance and have their benefits.