What's exciting about something so commonplace that it happens ~30,000 times over the course of a season? That's like treasuring layups and free-throws.Jersey Tom wrote:[...]
As a statistic, the 2012 Sprint Cup champion totaled 2201 quality passes (!!) over the season, or an average of 61 per race. A "quality pass" being a pass of a top-15 car (effectively the top third), racing on track. That's a bit more action than "everyone just drafting around in a pack" [...]
With the exception of drag racing, yes, all motor racing is but a series of straights and turns. Judging them on equal terms like that, however, is just plain foolish. That's what I meant when I referred to strained parallels. The only valid comparison that readily comes to mind is that they're both equally fake and manufactured, albeit differently, and they both involve cars. Otherwise, we're talking about poker and blackjack.
(This is a racist conversation, by the way.)