I don't understand why everyone want to draw a parallel between Formula one and nascar. It's the case everytime we talk about F1 and america.
In my country, people only think about footbal, it's footbal every day of the week on tv, when you open the newspaper's so called "Sport" pages, it's only about footbal too. You see the picture? And we just lost our national GP in the general disinterest, given it's not footbal... (yes I know the Zidane footbal star was at Magny Cours, but it didn't change anything, did it?)
What I mean is that even if both are sport, I can't seriously put the blame on footbal when we loose F1.
I personnaly failed to find interest in nascar every time I tried it on Motors TV, but for me it's not crap, it's just like footbal, criket, golf, or let's say boat racing,to stick with motorsports: they're sports I'm not sensible to. An "apples or oranges" case IMO, athough this is an easy "cliché".
Nascar is nascar, F1 is F1, period.
Second point, about the holy thing you all pray as a God:
overtaking. Everyone complain F1 is boring because there's no overtaking. But I think this is what bored me the most when I watched nascar, even more than the left turns repetition: overtaking loose all it's glory when it becomes a common thing, you see a car passing another, but why does it matter when it happens fifty times in the same race? How do you want to feel lucky when you pic a four-leaf clover, if 3/4 of clovers have four leaves...
If some overtaking moves really can drive us crazy and makes us love the race, it's because they are memorables, incredibly tight and risky moves to put together for the driver who tries it!
I looked at champ car and irl (and nascar as I said) on TV, and there was overtaking (lots of) but it wasn't raising the 1/1000 of the pleasure of a (rare) F1 overtaking move.
Just my two cents like you say. I hope I managed to avoid getting on anyone's nerves.