jddh1 wrote:I'm a Ferrari fan, as you may have already noticed from my avatar, and yet I'll say that LH is a very talented driver. It's true. Do I agree all the hype that the media gives him? Absolutely not! In fact, I hate what the British newspapers are doing. He's good, we know that. Now leave him alone to do his job. Is the best? Time will tell, no reason arguing.
Good post. I have to admit that the British press hype about Lewis is excessive, but I'm also not suprised about it. I mean, look how the media adored Mansell. Some comments, like Ray's above, are almost as if to say the british have no right to be proud of their new found sporting hero - why not? Everybody loved up Michael, even before he won a championship - just like Lewis (although admittedly Lewis' media hype is on a larger scale atm.)
I mean its not like we have much else to be cheering about at the moment is is? English Football is at an all time low, the rugby is still trying to bebuild itself, lets not even talk about Tennis, and cricket..well its just not cricket atm lol. Maybe Ray you'll get your wish, soon the media will stop taking about Lewis, that is when Ricky Hatton KO's Floyd Mayweather in the 6th round.

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