modbaraban wrote:Well yes, I see your point, but it's not the case it seems. It's just another of the
series of shows where where the celebs drove that old Suzuki Swift (or whatever it's name in UK). I've seen one with Button, Webber, Mansell, D. Hill and some others (can't remember now). You will find some of those in the 'new videos' thread.
Why on earth other drivers can try it out, but Lewis can't?
PS: And I don't expect Lewis to be significantly better than the others

I agree, if every
other F1 driver from the UK (and Webber) has tried it, why not Lewis? Had he not done it, I guess some would call him out based on that, too. It used to be Suzuki (cough)
Liana (
A.k.a Suzuki Baleno New G), but for some time now they've raced a more (cough) powerful car, namely a Chevrolet (cough)
Lacetti (
A.k.a Daewoo Lacetti, Buick Excelle, Buick Excelle HRV, Chevrolet Nubira, Chevrolet Optra, Chevrolet SRV, Holden Viva, Suzuki Forenza & Suzuki Reno. I swear, with this amount of aliases, the Dept. of Homeland Shagyourity should look into what this automobile is up to ...)
Edit: Oh no, I accidentally came up with the perfect reason why Mike Myers should do one more "Austin Powers" movie, now didn't I?
mx_tifosi wrote:It depends really, did Hamiltons team illegaly posess information about ¨The Stigs¨ team?

Jeremy Clarkson just might have the b***s to make an un-PC joke of that nature in Hamilton's face. In fact if he did, it'd propably serve to relieve some of the pressure around the spygate thingy and Lewis' apparently divisive public persona. If anyone can appreciate being divisive, it's Clarkson, after all.
modbaraban wrote:Omg

Lewis is already becoming the 2nd Michael. Why most people either worship him or hate him?
At least we can say for certain that people who do worship or hate him seem to be very vocal about it, just like it was/is with Michael. Whether these peoples' polarised perception represents the majority opinion, I don't know. But I can safely say that the absolute majority of people who have one or another perception of Lewis still don't go online to vent their feelings.
You might want to read Mike Lawrence's latest column on, though ("
Oh dear, Sangio and other howlers"). Therein, he reflects on the state of F1 literature and also offers his opinion about the
9 (as in "nine") Lewis Hamilton biographies on the market. He makes a pretty good case of why it's perfectly rational to buy the worst one.