Okay, I guess I didn't explain how I think the switch works...nae wrote:ah but had he waited till they had actually finished refuelling him then he wouldn't
As Sutil closed to a position where it would be unsafe to release Massa then the pit override would have been switched to "hold" again. Then when it was safe to release him, they would have toggled it back. So by my theory the guy operating the switch was only watching the traffic, and was operating the switch based on whether it was safe to release the car into the traffic at that point, possibly expecting (or forgetting) the system to override based on all the other buttons indicating whether or not work on the car had been completed. That didn't happen as it was disabled, so Massa was released as soon as there was a gap in the traffic.
Edit: Why do I think this? Well the benefit of the system would be that each person is only having to do one thing, and therefore can release the car the instant that is done. Therefore it is logical that in normal operation of the system the button on the pit wall is only used to indicate whether or not there is traffic blocking the safe release of the car. That guy can focus on one thing and not have to worry about manually checking all the other jobs as complete AND check for traffic, as the lolly-pop guy has to do for other teams.