Hamilton: I blew Alonso away

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Re: Hamilton: I blew Alonso away


bhallg2k wrote:The problem with your approach, Flabbio, is that it completely glosses over the violence of slavery and pretends that everything is all right now. You fail to recognize that the act of enslaving an entire race, beyond its initial wretchedness, pretty much permanently installed blacks as second-class citizens in the eyes of far too many people. Despite any positives, it's still a struggle.

I don't think you're racist. I just think that, like many people, you simply don't know what to do with "white guilt."

This is one of things you just have to take on the chin.
THER ARE NO POSITIVES(except in the mind of a racist)... he speaks as though being an american "citizen" have raised Africans in america to being some type of super African capable of things "normal" Africans are incapable of. He speaks as if education(or productivity) is impossible in Africa or by Africans, earlier he said that to this day they would be in "loin cloths chasing tonights dinner". He speaks as a racist does.
Name two of your ancestors that were enslaved, tell us their struggles, and tell us that you are thankful that their decendants now lead educated and productive lives. Instead of the negativity, how about you acknowledge the positive?
What he is saying is that without slavery no African would be capable of being educated, so therefore they should be thankful that their ancestors were enslaved. And that somehow any material possessions that Africans in america owned today could never have been acheived unless they were "saved" by the enslavement of their ancestors, and more than makes up for it.

When the reality is quite the contrary, slavers(and their ancestors) in america owe their material posessions, and even their survival to the help of the natives of this land(and its resources) and the forced labor of those slaves. Any rights(or so called privileges) that I have are because of the efforts of those who FOUGHT AGAINST SLAVERY(and for human rights), not due to those who wished to enslave. It is the enslavers and their ancestors who have benefitted from slavery not the enslaved. But the racist that he is could never understand that, he sees himself as automatically superior to the inferior African so Africans could never had as good a life in Africa as they have now in america.

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Re: Hamilton: I blew Alonso away


Conceptual, the slaves couldn't and didn't work for their descendants. Those slaves didn't pave the way for anybody. They worked for the plantation. All the fruits of their labour (pun intended) benefited the colonizers. The only ones who did the fighting were the rebel slaves, runaway slaves, privileged mulattoes and few of the white colonizers who saw that slavery was wrong.

Still, freedom was just in name. There were still no equal rights and justice (not even equal justice nowadays) until very recently.

I wouldn't say African Americans could only achieve a level of education and learn the "European's ways" because their ancestors came into contact with Europeans through slavery. We know this is not necessarily true because slavery or oppression is not necessary for information exchange between two civilizations, for example from Europe to Africa or Europe to Asia or etc. If we read our history we can see that vast amounts of information were exchanged between the ancient civilizations of the past; with both sides being on equal grounds, and it still continues today, no slavery required. Just look at China everything under the sky is made over there! So sooner or later those Africans would* (assuming no oppressive intervention) have been exposed to all these seas of knowledge. Who knows? With all the resources of Africa it could have been a global powerhouse if things had happened differently.

On Hamilton now, he is like one of those privileged Mulattoes. Yes he couldn't have done it by himself he was helped by Ron Dennis. Hamilton had the raw resource (his skillz) and then sometime later on Ron Dennis came along saw the potential and then the "information exchange" and "Trade" process began. The rest is history.
Oppression was not necessary, Hamilton wasn't required to submit before he can benefit from all these nice things Mclaren would give unto him. He shouldn't be required to be submissive to the media either, because In the end it was a fair Trade between Mclaren and Hamilton. He doesn't owe anybody anything. And so just like these rappers (god help them) he has a right to show off and boast. 8)

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Re: Hamilton: I blew Alonso away


Thanks, this has gone much much too far.