Ray wrote:There is not ONE shred of proof from an independant group of scientists, that aren't government funded in some way that DEFINITIVELY proves climate changes are brought about by emissions output from cars. I haven't seen it anyway. Also dumrick, I never said you were brainless for what you believed you know. No one has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt climate changes have been CAUSED by people.
I can't even prove my existence without a shadow of a doubt, according to some philosophers...
Even if there isn't any study that convinces you absolutely about the role of mankind in global warming, as far as I know, any study that has concluded otherwise is far more questionable and ill-founded. That's a little like the debate between evolution vs. creationism: some people question the basis for one relatively logical theory, that has been demonstrated and has some very relevant evidence to support it, for what? To defend something for which there isn't any reasonable evidence at all.
According to that logic, since I've no absolute evidence that I would be dependent, I would prefer to believe that, if I did crack, I wouldn't, and try it. Apparently, that a very, very pleasant experience...
Furthermore, is the guilt factor relevant here? Even if it wasn't mankind to trigger the climate changes, the CO2 emissions (and the unbalance between emissions and its absorption by trees) is a factor that aggravates it. Given that (at least for the time being) we only have one planet and must live in it, and we prefer living comfortably and not be molested by the rise in sea levels, extreme meteorologic phenomena and other consequences of global warming, we should do something about it.
Back a bit more on topic, there's something that most of our european forum colleagues are sensible to, and that you are not. It's called efficiency. I find it a very beautiful concept. It lies on the notion that resources are scarce and that we must make the most out of them. That's why I'm far more sensible to the appeal of a Lotus little bomb with 600Kg and performances and cornering abilities that provide me with near-orgasmic joy that to a big V8 muscle car that is only good to race between red lights. For us, fun is not a straight line (and that's a bit like that that I prefer my women, also: curvy

And I apologize for the content of my previous post. You are right, that's not the way to reply in a forum (at least not in
this forum)