I am sorry but if you think the Mclaren outclassed everyone in the last part of the season pass me the crack you are on. There is no way you can say that LH 0.5 second gap was down to his car having the upper hand. His quali time came down to him driving at the absolute limit. Just compare LH pace to HK all year and its night and day. LH made the best out of that car and should be commended for it.nipo wrote: Hamilton is still unknown to me. For 2 years he's got the quickest car and this season he's got the quickest car in the last few races when the McLaren with KERS has outclassed everybody (in the last race Lewis qualified more than half a second ahead of SV).
The point is that he will have to push himself to a whole new level of driving. I am not saying JB cant do it, in fact I hope he is able to.ISLAMATRON wrote:How does one give 120%?... is that not against the laws of tire dynamics?
It is not biased, its just removing unnecessary answers.nipo wrote:Regarding the poll... kilcoo, let's say you right eventually Lewis out-shines Jenson next year, what is so brilliant about your bias?
I believe Button will outshine Hamilton. I also believe apartheid will be reinstated in F1 and I'm very afraid of nuclear power. I'm also afraid of stupid junkies. I'm even more afraid of intelligent junkies.kilcoo316 wrote:If anyone truly believes Button will "out-shine" Hamilton next year, their knowledge of F1 is so bad that their opinion is simply not worth listening to - like listening to a stupid junkies view on the 'dangers' of nuclear power.
It is simply that obvious and clear what the outcome is going to be.
The car was really much better for sure. It was fast in brazil and *fastest in abudahbi but it wasn't as balanced as the Brawn of Redbull, it was compensating for its weakness at high G turns with the KERS on the straight and the good slow speed characteristics. This is why Heiki was so off, he didn't make the time in the slow corners by extreme late braking or carving the corners like Lewis.nipo wrote:@ringo
Alonso threw away quite a few points by trying ultra aggressive on his driving and strategy... don't remember which races exactly but there were a few times the past two seasons. He is still a very capable driver and is in the top 3 of my list - just somehow these two years he is not fully performing at his level.
The personality and stuff is just personal opinion and is a side note in the message. I don't like him doesn't take away his achievements, and like you, I respect that a lot, too.
I am surprised. First you took me as saying ALL of the half second is because of the car. That's clearly not true. Secondly, everyone could see the McLaren pace picking up significantly towards the end of the season. It might not be a lot, but at least they are slightly ahead of Red Bull by the end on some circuits. As to Heikki's performance, he's been trailing far behind Lewis almost all season and God knows why... My point was not to disregard Lewis' ability, it was just to say that he shone when the car was good and he wasn't exactly driving a "crap" car as some would like to believe.
That's like the Titanic bulkheads - well designed, but they just weren't high enough to hold back the water?n smikle wrote:The aero on the other hand pretty sucked, It was well designed but it just didn't produce enough downforce.