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I was just thinking up reasons as to why sauber would defect to michelin.
Could it be that maybe Ferrari are using sauber to gain information about
Michelin tyres. Sauber is after all the second ferrari in F1. Just a theory
that i thought up. I just had to find something wrong with Ferrari.
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)
You're not the only only one thinking about it....when I read the first news about the contract I thought that it was a Ferrari demand that Sauber changed to Michelin! Probably it isn't just a theory! Ferrari last year tested their new refrigeration system in the Sauber it isn't simply a engine/gearbox supplying's more of a technical partnership!
Yes, they are. They only HAVE, by regulations, to supply 60% of the teams.
Peter Sauber has been quite (and fairly) harsh on Bridgestone, claiming that he was forced to use "Ferrari" tyres, because thet only cared to meet Ferrari's needs, not the ones from other costumers.
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)
Yup they have to be able/have to supply 60% the thing is that Jaguar probably didn't renew the contract for 2005! So Michelin didn't really bother in supplying Sauber.
Another thing is that probably Michelin already thought of this swap between of technical info between Sauber and possibly Michelin is charging quite alot of $$$$$ for the contract! Probably Ferrari made a slight discount on the engines so Sauber could invest a little more on the Michelin contract!
This change to Michelin tyres as well as the ever improving aerodynamic results from their new wind tunnel could see Sauber be more competitive than ever next year.Look at the results B.A.R. had after the switch to Michelin.I'm not saying that the form B.A.R. found this year is solely down to a tyre switch but it obviously helped them to make a significant step.As a fan of F1 in general i would love to see Sauber pull off a few upsets next year! Roll on March 6th '05!!!
BAR's success came down to a new gear-box. I can't remeber the details, but they won some engineering award for it. All the improvements on the 04 car came from the new gear-box.
Location: Covilhã, Portugal (and sometimes in Évora)
You can't say that it's 100% down to the gearbox! It did indeep win a engineering award. It's a carbon fibre gearbox caseing! But not all success is down to the that logic only the gear box influences the overall performance of the car. It was an important step...but don't forget all the aerodynamic development BAR did in the last 2 seasons....and the effort that Honda has put into the F1 project and Michelin has also made a good contribution to the performance of the car.
To me (IMO) on of the most important aspects is tire performance (one of the not the only) don't forget that if you have a fantastic car aerodynamicly and power wise but it can't stick to the track there's no point in running it on the limit!
I know,i know ,i know...testing doesn't mean anything and we won't know for sure until March 6th but did anyone notice a new name at the top of the timesheets the other day?