Original location of F1 Teams

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Joined: 01 Mar 2010, 21:07

Original location of F1 Teams


I have heard that the McLaren F1 Team were based originally in New Malden in Surrey, an area I know well, but I can't find any info on EXACTLY where that was?

Similarly, I know that Jack Brabham had connections with Worcester Park, also in Surrey but again I don't know exactly where. I know that there used to be a Vauxhall dealership in an old garage at the top of the hill in Worcester Park, which has now been redeveloped into flats called Brabham Court, but I don't know if there is any real connection.

I understand that the original FOM production offices, where the TV stream was edited was located in Surbiton (or was it Chessington?) but once more, I can't find where.

I know that there's lots of guys on here with encyclopaedic knowledge of this sort of stuff, so hopefully someone can share.

Thanks in advance,

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