Thank youDaveKillens wrote: I have a few favorite tracks, and Monza is definitely one of them
Yes, it’s a shame especially because the track isn’t really a new thing, you know, it’s there since 1922... Fortunately in the last years the “green pressure” has been vastly reduced and the track itself is pretty “safe”, in the late 90s when FIA was asking to add half meter of gravel trap each year it was really hard because, as you can see from the picture I posted before, to enlarge gravel traps in most of cases you have necessarily to remove trees. And, as you can easily imagine, each small, young, very common tree magically became, in green’s eyes, the most rare secular sequoia... no matter if for each tree removed 2 were planted in another place.DaveKillens wrote: It's a horrible shame that tracks like Monza are constantly under attack by those who wish to "develop" the land.
agreed. i love the Nordschlief...and the Sudschlief, which is now deserted....bcsolutions wrote:......atmosphere and nostalgia attached to a particular circuit is half the enjoyment. The new circuits with all their technical challenges don't have the evocative atmosphere of the older circuits. I think thats why so many people mourn the loss of the Nordschleife.
Like a good golf course i reckon! I think the new tracks are too contrained by safety and regulation. Can you imagine another race like Monaco ever appearing on the calender again i can't and i bet the health and safety guys would love to get rid of it!and for most of then a legacy that cant be touched by most newer tracks...
You mean John Frankenheimer's Grand Prix, starring James Garner....fwa2500 wrote:bcsolutions wrote:
(lol, just saw Steve McQueen's Grand Prix again)
doh! my mistake, lol......never seen LeMans thoughRacingManiac wrote:fwa2500 wrote:You mean John Frankenheimer's Grand Prix, starring James Garner....bcsolutions wrote:
(lol, just saw Steve McQueen's Grand Prix again)
Le Mans is McQueen's movie....which is also awesome with golden footage of 917 blasting down Mulsannes....While is also another wonderful track, even after all its alteration over the years...