ms is 3rd on the grid behind a toyota and the renault but what was a real shock both the williams are a full 10km slower down the speed traps than the renault......--- i hope they can go around corners.....
In the qualifying one all cars run with as little fuel as they can get away with so the first session is usually as good of an indicator of outright , genuine pace as you are gonna get.jaslfc wrote:i wanna ask.. during the first qualify do they need to qualify with the fuel for the race? or is that done in for the second qualify
Well, time problems are the only reason I'm afraid. I'm busy working to have it managed a little easier, but I simply cannot program, design and write articles at the same time. SorryF1-Noob wrote:This question is for tomba.
Since Imola 2004 it have been no technical updates. I wonder why?
I remember in 2003 when I could enjoy reading your analyzes about the cars but now there isn't anymore artickles.
The author is Paolo Filisetti, he’s an aeronautical engineer, I’ve seen him very often on tv. His drawings, although very good, aren’t maybe as good as Piola’s ones, but he’s IMO definitively the best technical commentator on accuracy of the explanations (not considering scarbs BTWDaveKillens wrote: At present, the official Formula One website,, now carries a technical update section. It's updated after each race, and it's quite good. It's pretty hard to come up with something better than that.