JT - How did you end up in NASCAR?
While I was still at university I very much thought I'd try to break into F1 right after undergrad,
naively (a) thinking that's where all the challenging, pro engineering in motorsport was, (b) believing I had a decent understanding of things after FSAE, and (c) not quite appreciating the challenges involved with work visas in other countries.
Local to school the only pro racing team at the time was RuSport, and I distantly knew a couple of the engineers there, but I don't think they had any positions at the time and dissolved shortly thereafter anyway. There's also one Cup team in that area, but that wasn't on my radar.
Wasn't going to be able to support myself doing SCCA stuff, and a majority of job openings locally were in aerospace systems engineering which wasn't my background. So instead I moved and took a job with a tire company hoping to get into their vehicle dynamics or race groups. If I didn't get either of those I would have quit and moved back to figure something out. Fortunately some luck fell my way and I did the vehicle dynamics / race tire thing there for 3-4 years, as a NASCAR supplier (and involved in some other things).
As 2011 rolled in I realized I wasn't happy with where I was at in life, on a few levels, and decided it was time for a change. As fortune would have it, right around that time there were a couple NASCAR organizations in need of a specialist in tire data, etc. Applied, interviewed, got an offer, put in my 2 weeks, hopped in the car and drove down to NC the week leading up to the 2011 season opener. And here I am, quite fortunate to have had some luck and opportunities fall my way.
Funny enough, there are a number of F1 engineers who have opted to come to NASCAR in recent years.
Grip is a four letter word. All opinions are my own and not those of current or previous employers.