Isnt turkey part of EU?Shrieker wrote:Turkish press reporting that Vettel 'forgot' to take his passport with him and had to wait an hour at the airport while the German embassy prepared a new one for him. Happens to everyone i guess
CHT wrote:Isnt turkey part of EU?Shrieker wrote:Turkish press reporting that Vettel 'forgot' to take his passport with him and had to wait an hour at the airport while the German embassy prepared a new one for him. Happens to everyone i guess
Schengen is mainly a subset of the EU countries and some politically compatible countries. Turkey isn't likely to join the EU in the short term (before 2025). There are many fundamental objections from several countries and political parties in the European Parliament. Too many areas of negotiation remain unresolved.richard_leeds wrote:Not yet. ... pean_Union
Anyway, the need for a passport relates to the Schengen Area which is not the same as the EU membership