Am I the only one that wants rules to stay same?

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Joined: 02 Apr 2010, 13:16

Am I the only one that wants rules to stay same?


over the last 6 years I have been really into F1. may be a little longer actually. I did know a little bit when they were V10 and had launch control and TC etc. Over that time. I've seen tyres change engines, and body design etc.

now in 2010-2013 I've seen very stable regulations. And I like that. Cars have became very close performance wise, and in 2014 we are gana see more changes.

Do you think the body will change much? or will it be just engines ?

as I would like to see 2013 regs in for a long time. and keeping the regs the same for say 10 years. would help the mid field and crap teams catch up. the problem for them is the ramp and funds to develop. if the car stayed the same, this would help 100%.Ferrari etc wouldnt have as much of an advantage
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Re: Am I the only One that wants rules to stay same


You're not the only one. But others will disagree about which 'era' they want preserved. (Hint: 9 times out of 10 it will be the year in which they first got interested in the sport.)

Stable rules usually hurt the smaller teams, from a performance standpoint. The reason is that if the rules don't change, the larger teams are just better at finding the increasingly diminishing areas to improve. At least that was the case before the RRA - it doesn't seem to be so pronounced this go around. Changing the rules can shake things up, and be better for the small teams since its an open field where even low-budget teams can find the performance edge.

Rule changes hurt the small teams from a budget standpoint, however, since they have less that they can cary over from year to year. The Mosely years of constant rule changes drove a lot of teams out of the sport. (And just about killed Cosworth, imo.)

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Joined: 02 Mar 2012, 08:38

Re: Am I the only One that wants rules to stay same


The current rule change for engines is basically a 5hit fight. It's a perfect example of how not to do something.

AutoSport has a great article on batteries and the tie in with the grounded the 787s around the world.
Thus, should a global ban on Li-ion airfreighting be invoked – and such a measure could become effective without warning at any point, subject only to the outcome of current Dreamliner investigations – F1 would be left high and dry, its 1600cc V6 turbo engines producing less power than even the Cosworth V8s of the late '70s!

On the face of it, the governing body, commercial rights holder, teams, competing engine manufacturers, the vast majority of fans and race promoters are all actively seeking a means of dumping the new engine formula without losing face. Has Dreamliner provided it by suggesting that the Li-ion industry doesn't yet have a totally safe product to use in an environment where safety is paramount? Seems a perfect get-out…
When you change rules, without really looking at the reasons why and possible consequences, you leave yourself open to things like this. F1 didn't need to go down this path. It's costing 100's of millions for what? No-one wants it. So long as F1 is stuck between a spec series and prototype series - thanks to less-than-well-thoughout rule changes, the wanton waste adn lost opportunities will continue.

At least we have have a great tyre supplier.........

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