University Comparison for CFD/Aero development

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Joined: 12 Apr 2013, 13:35

University Comparison for CFD/Aero development


Dear All,

I'm following this forum for quite a while now, and read lots of reviews here about the various motorsport related courses in UK. However some topics are really outdated. I'd like to know whether there are some recent MSc graduates working in the motorsports in the field of CFD / Aero development. I will start a MSc next semester and got some offers from Oxford Brookes and Cranfield and waiting for Southampton and Brunel now. However it's pretty hard to make the right desicion since the universities all have their strong and weak points. Hopefully I can get some advice here to make things clearer.

Thanks a lot!

Joined: 12 Apr 2013, 13:35

Re: University Comparison for CFD/Aero development


No recent graduates here? Or people attending some of the courses at the moment?