Safety Car Deployed

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Joined: 02 Mar 2010, 20:36

Safety Car Deployed


Does anyone have a really good handle on some of the finer details of F1 Safety Car deployment, possibly answer a few questions that I have on the procedure.

The FIA minimum lap-time, is this measured sector by sector (timing loop sectors or the TV sectors) or is it lap based? I recall there were problems in Valencia with cars near the end of a lap when the SC boards went out, and save parking on track, no realistic way to get below the delta, I don't recall what changes were made to prevent a reoccurrence.
What is the calculation employed to arrive at the delta, is it based on a standard "safe speed" multiplied by lap distance to give a time, or is it a flat delta percentage applied to some notional historical mean lap-time for the track.

The minimum time must be observed until your car has passed the first SC line twice, the assumption is that the SC has found the race leader by then, if this has not happened, what speed is the leader expected/permitted to drive.
Or probably a more likely scenario, a driver has not joined the end of the SC train after this second lap thru, what speed is the driver expected to do.

What speed are cars which are green-lit/waved past the SC in these first two laps expected to do? The rule (40.9) says "reduced speed", but it's not 100% clear to me if this means FIA delta reduced speed (rule 40.7), or simply means reduced speed.

Any clarifications greatly appreciated.