*warning - this is half rant, half hypotheticals*
Based on the last few races, there seems to be only a handful of drivers actually interested in racing.
Monaco, for instance; Sutil and Perez (and Raikonen to an extent) were the only drivers interested in racing - everyone else just wanted to (or seemed content to) play conga line. I understand that the 2 Mercs needed to help each other and their tyres at Monaco, but really; did they and Vettel need to just cruise around? Same thing with Hamilton at Canada. Here's a thought; maybe Vettel wouldn't win so often if other drivers would actually have a go at racing him. Again, Sutil had a good crack at everyone he found all weekend, same with Perez. Hamilton didn't even seem to mind when first place just cruises off into the distance, and disturbingly, a lot of fans evidently don't mind either...In fact the only time Hamilton got agitated was when another car got near him. Almost understandable when Alonso is hunting you down, but it's a race, racing people should be something that actually happens!
Now, I know that F1 cars are terrible at racing each other, the current race weekend format is terrible for encouraging close racing, and most of the tracks are terrible for racing on, but the fact that some drivers can do it anyway seems to suggest that it's the people in the cockpit that are also a big problem.
Is there anything that could be done to encourage racing from the drivers? Here's my idea.
Make them lose 2 points every 10 laps they don't overtake someone for position on-track.
Vettel flying off into the distance would only get 13-ish points for a win, potentially making second with overtaking and close racing a much more consistent points-scoring affair. Worse, if the leader DNFs before the finish but doesn't overtake anyone for 60 laps, they lose 12 points from their total.