[BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever

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Kiril Varbanov
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[BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


An article posted by CNN revealing some of the aspects of the sport.

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


awesome thanks.
"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of sh*t"

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


Nice graphics, and it's rare that you see that info all together and well presented. Shame though that it's just a rehash of Sylt's suspect numbers. It would be nice if someday he had some competition in the F1 numbers game.

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


F1 produces a book every year if i´m not mistaken, with all the numbers regarding Formula One.
"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of sh*t"

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


Sylt does the book, Formula Money, but where he gets his numbers from, no one seems to know. I'm sure he has a few insiders who let him in on some things, and some of it is public, but then there's a vast amount that you'd think no one has any interest in revealing. There have been many discussions here about Sylt's figures and methods and how they often don't seem legit. That's not to take anything away from CNN's report, since of course his numbers are all they have to work with. And of course, no one here is shelling out the money to actually get a look at the full product.

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


His numbers and sources are a bit out of whack to me, he is in Mr Es pocket, and is ridiculed by many who arnt as close to Mr E as him, and quite rightly as some of his figures are drastically different to what i have from a different source. His facts can be a bit take it or leave it, a bit one sided at times. However the 90% of the time i ignore what he says and boasts about, there is that 10% that you take notice of, but he writes in a style that i find really difficult to cut to that 10%.

Its like all journalists in F1, you take the relevant stuff and cut the bull. Following a wide range i find gives me more balance to a story, if thats Mr Sylt, Mr Saward or even Mr Windsor as many argue about their credentials as well.

I suppose everyone has a reporter who will cater for their agenda in a argument.

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


I think what turned me off on him years ago was were stories on Team Whoever being on the brink of eminent-bankruptcy-any-day-now-just-you-wait-and-see. I think he did one or two on Williams like that, and hit McLaren pretty hard on more than one occasion. In all those cases, his numbers and the way in which he used them were suspicious enough to leave the distinct impression that he was cooking the books to make his point.

He also used to be down on Bernie and CVC in general, but then one day changed his tune and started reporting inside scoops that just happened to be very favorable to Bernie. This was shortly after Bernie publicly insulted his Formula 100 scheme, so my guess is that they reached some sort of "compromise" to keep Sylt's reputation alive.

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


What makes me wary of him is that he seems to be at every F1 related event and seminar. And his apparent pro Bernie stance is also a bit of a turn off for me.

He hit McLaren for Spygate.
He hit Ferrari for 'Faster Than You' gate
He hit Renault for Crashgate
He hit Lotus-Team Lotus for brand misleading
He hit HRT/Hispania and Virgin/Marussia before they hit the track
He hit Force India more than once

I doubt any team has escaped, and now seems to focus on F1 being in positive shape. It is not, its a freaking wreck financially and in my opinion needs a new business model. But ill leave that topic for reasons of time.

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


I emailed them asking where the information comes from. He´ll probably say Formula One but hoping for a slightly more in-depth explanation.
"If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of sh*t"

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


What I don't get is why Monza is only charged half of a race like Canada. I've read before that Monaco doesnt pay because F1 needs it more than it needs F1 but whats the point in charging a fee if it isn't the going rate? The footnote says that the figures come from formulamoney.com but that just seems to be an ordering portal for an F1 trade report.

I've googled the journalist Sylt and seen that he writes for the Telegraph, Guardian, Independent and FT which are about the only English papers you can trust at the minute. The Telegraph is the only one which I can't fault as the Independent sold out, the Guardian is too far left and the FT rarely takes a stance. Thats not to say they're not quality but the only one I read every day is the Telegraph and have done since it dished the dirt on how much MPs were fiddling from us.

I searched for Sylt on the Telegraph website and it seems he has been one of their writers for well over five years so I doubt they would have allowed that if he wasnt trustworthy. He seems to be a regular guest on CNN and the Beeb as Google brings up clips of him chatting about F1 for them. When it comes to political views, CNN is not much different to the FT in my opinion but I put my trust in the BBC despite Saville and its gravy train for former bosses. At least theyre clearly better than the alternative!

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


Tommorris747 wrote:What I don't get is why Monza is only charged half of a race like Canada. I've read before that Monaco doesnt pay because F1 needs it more than it needs F1 but whats the point in charging a fee if it isn't the going rate? The footnote says that the figures come from formulamoney.com but that just seems to be an ordering portal for an F1 trade report.

I've googled the journalist Sylt and seen that he writes for the Telegraph, Guardian, Independent and FT which are about the only English papers you can trust at the minute. The Telegraph is the only one which I can't fault as the Independent sold out, the Guardian is too far left and the FT rarely takes a stance. Thats not to say they're not quality but the only one I read every day is the Telegraph and have done since it dished the dirt on how much MPs were fiddling from us.

I searched for Sylt on the Telegraph website and it seems he has been one of their writers for well over five years so I doubt they would have allowed that if he wasnt trustworthy. He seems to be a regular guest on CNN and the Beeb as Google brings up clips of him chatting about F1 for them. When it comes to political views, CNN is not much different to the FT in my opinion but I put my trust in the BBC despite Saville and its gravy train for former bosses. At least theyre clearly better than the alternative!
Monaco was charged nothing in previous year but I think the prince signed a 10 year deal last year with payment of the hosting fees for next 10 years.

I don't get why Bernie is charging less for S Korea than some other new circuits, there is no interest in the public there, track is not something to boast about (unlike Istanbul). Now he is targeting India because he doesn't want to give tax for 1/19th revenue of what F1 earns in 19 race calender (and that too is paid by the promoter JPSI- I feel for them).

Why wouldn't F1 have the best health nowadays?

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Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


The price looks like it is random and that may be the real problem. If one race pays more than another for no reason it is going to cause anger and that's not good for a long lasting relationship.

Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


What long lasting relationship? There is absolutely no need for one. 20 races, spread over so many possible countries. If one doesnt want to pay the fee because Monza pays little, then another country will step in and is willing to pay the fee.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2008, 05:24

Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


Is this article some kind of pre-IPO PR for F1 group

Joined: 08 May 2008, 17:45

Re: [BUSINESS] - The F1 Group is healthier than ever


Tommorris747 wrote:I searched for Sylt on the Telegraph website and it seems he has been one of their writers for well over five years so I doubt they would have allowed that if he wasnt trustworthy.
Even the NYT has employed journalists who just made up their facts. None of these publications know anything about F1, and Sylt puts on a good show. Like I say, no one knows for sure about his numbers, but questions have been raised about both his figures and his motives far too many times on this board and others for me to trust a thing he says.
CHT wrote:Is this article some kind of pre-IPO PR for F1 group
After Sylt's passionate defense of Bernie in the Gribkowski affair, I sure he comes highly recommended by FOM these days. :lol: