Tommorris747 wrote:What I don't get is why Monza is only charged half of a race like Canada. I've read before that Monaco doesnt pay because F1 needs it more than it needs F1 but whats the point in charging a fee if it isn't the going rate? The footnote says that the figures come from but that just seems to be an ordering portal for an F1 trade report.
I've googled the journalist Sylt and seen that he writes for the Telegraph, Guardian, Independent and FT which are about the only English papers you can trust at the minute. The Telegraph is the only one which I can't fault as the Independent sold out, the Guardian is too far left and the FT rarely takes a stance. Thats not to say they're not quality but the only one I read every day is the Telegraph and have done since it dished the dirt on how much MPs were fiddling from us.
I searched for Sylt on the Telegraph website and it seems he has been one of their writers for well over five years so I doubt they would have allowed that if he wasnt trustworthy. He seems to be a regular guest on CNN and the Beeb as Google brings up clips of him chatting about F1 for them. When it comes to political views, CNN is not much different to the FT in my opinion but I put my trust in the BBC despite Saville and its gravy train for former bosses. At least theyre clearly better than the alternative!
Monaco was charged nothing in previous year but I think the prince signed a 10 year deal last year with payment of the hosting fees for next 10 years.
I don't get why Bernie is charging less for S Korea than some other new circuits, there is no interest in the public there, track is not something to boast about (unlike Istanbul). Now he is targeting India because he doesn't want to give tax for 1/19th revenue of what F1 earns in 19 race calender (and that too is paid by the promoter JPSI- I feel for them).
Why wouldn't F1 have the best health nowadays?