CNN drops the ball ... 1111423405
Let's break it down: "a standard engine is powered by a belt connected to the crankshaft," is a great start if the goal is to establish that reality and physics have no place in this article. "Powered by?" what's driving that belt that drives the crank? Probably raw horsepower, contained in a pressurized vessel, extracted from the finest Arabian horses, liquified, and kept at 50 PSI.
You know that was either an Italian tabloid or Gary Anderson.Pup wrote: I may have gotten that CNN, too. Or maybe Scarbs.
This person clearly has no idea about how a car actually works. Sure, when one of those early turbos failed, coolant splashed around and hit hot engine bits and made all kinds of billowing steam clouds, but that is most certainly not "exhaust steam." There's no stoker crammed in the back of an F1 cockpit frantically shoveling coal into the boiler so the driver can perform a dramatic overtake on a turn.