In appreciation of Felipe Massa.

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In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


Felipe Massa was hell of a driver who at his finest was worthy of the WDC.

He always struck me as one of the most sympathetic characters in the sport, maybe too much so, for a cut-throat business like F1.

Fortunately, he fully recovered from his 2009 injury. Unfortunately, he never returned to the form that got him within an inch of the championship.

Ferrari was lucky to have a driver of his caliber willing to play second fiddle.

Felipe Massa, I for one will miss you, and I salute you.

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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


I will miss him also, the little man with the heart of a lion, and a true gent.


Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26

Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


Did he died?

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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


bhallg2k wrote:Did he died?
Really a hilarious post :lol: .

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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


Anybody who only just tuned into F1 from 2010 on will not have seen the Massa that firstly earned him a seat at Ferrari, and then nearly won the WDC in 2008. I think it is important to remember Massa as a driver in his prime, to consider Massa from 2010 onwards as a driver, and not take into account the fact that he was nearly killed in 09 would do his talents an injustice - for a time around 07-08 he was one of the best drivers on the grid. After the incident in 2009 he never really looked the same.

Driving aside, I think he was perhaps the most likable guy on the grid, I hope he sticks around.

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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


He's not dead and hasn't retired yet.

Anyway: he would have been a worthy champion in 2008, closest finish imaginable

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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


I do appreciate Massa's services and he will be greatly remembered for his tenure at Ferrari. He should've won in 2008 if not for the pitlane mistake in Singapore where he drove off with the fuel hose attached. :S
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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


And don't forget his engine blow up whilst leading by a mile, and "within sight of the flag".

Massa was one of the nicest drivers you could meet. Never criticised his team when they were giving him cars with dodgy suspension, or fouling up on pit stops.

A lot of other drivers could learn from him.

Probably though, he was TOO nice?

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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


gilgen wrote:And don't forget his engine blow up whilst leading by a mile, and "within sight of the flag".

Massa was one of the nicest drivers you could meet. Never criticised his team when they were giving him cars with dodgy suspension, or fouling up on pit stops.

A lot of other drivers could learn from him.

Probably though, he was TOO nice?
He always struck me as being a bit too nice for the world of F1. It wouldn't have hurt him if he had, even a small amount of the ruthlessness that Senna had.
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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


To me Massa will be the champion of 2008.
Yes the points tell a different story, but that is the way I see him.
Up to 2009 he was a great driver, but after the spring him he was never the same.
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Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


I'll mirror the views here, and say that he was indeed a brilliant driver when he was at his peak. Unfortunately, the majority of F1 fans have short memories, and seem to not remember that.

When he lost the championship to Hamilton in 2008, he offered both Hamilton and Glock a ride out of Interlagos in his helicopter, so that they weren't in any danger of being attacked by the Brazilian fans. I think that goes to show just how much of a heart the man has!

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


I hope he still has a future in F1. I would greatly miss him if he leaves.
And as far as his driving is concerned, just look him overtaking Bruno Senna in Singapore last year and his start at Hungary 2008. These moments are among all time greats in F1.

Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 21:48

Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


Felipe Massa also proved to be the most classy "Runner up" in modern Formula 1.

Compare his behaviour with Alonso at Abu Dhabi when both drivers had lost the title. Massa was probably told he was World Champion, and then it was taken away about 20 seconds later.

Alonso stared at Petrov for lap after lap, knowing he wasn't going to be Champion, and then still swerved at Petrov (who had done nothing wrong) and waved gestures his way during the slowing down lap. Spoilt behaviour, arrogance that Petrov should have let him by.

Joined: 02 Mar 2007, 03:01

Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


Life's tought me that being nice, classy or whatever just will have people using you as a stepping stone. I'm still to turn that trend around.

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: In appreciation of Felipe Massa.


Felipe had Schumacher mentoring his carrer with Ferrari .Schumachers decision to quit opened the door for Felipe to have his career developing at Ferrari -as Raikkonen was already signed....
In those years he had Schumi showing how a true champion can conduct himself in trying times.Never a bad word towards the team never a word of trying to downtalk opponents.
I have the greatest respect for Felipe Massa in his managing the situation and honestly he did better than Schumacher in his last "aurevoir".this looked a bit patchy and not well thought out and executed to me ..

I really really hope Lotus will sign him and Hulk or maybe FI would be a good possibility as well as I think neither PDR nor Adrian Subtil really set the world alight this year with their driving...